Trump antagonists suddenly hit with scandals, political crises of their own – IOTW Report

Trump antagonists suddenly hit with scandals, political crises of their own

Just The News-

Multiple political figures who served as eager foils to President Donald Trump over the past year have found themselves embroiled in scandals and political crises of their own in the weeks since Trump left office after losing the 2020 election. 

Most prominent among them is New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, whose futureas the state’s chief executivehas looked increasingly bleak amid political fallout from both a COVID-19 data coverup and multiple sexual harassment allegations over the past several weeks.

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10 Comments on Trump antagonists suddenly hit with scandals, political crises of their own

  1. “…since Trump left office after losing the 2020 election. ”

    …President Trump didn’t “lose” the election.

    It was blatantly stolen, and the steal was ratified by corrupt perverts and communists in high places as evidence was destroyed before our eyes.

    The only thing that was “lost” was the last shreds of election integrity, and any hope that elections will mean anything ever again, because Communists will steal them again.

    Don’t call it a loss.

    Call it a theft, or a treason, or both.

    Because that’s what it was.

    …carry on, then, carry on…

  2. Apparently what the Trump antagonists forgot is that when they point out someones shortcomings, there is three fingers pointing at themselves. Stupid liberals!

  3. SNS : I heard a black guy saying that it wasn’t stolen but taken from us because if it was stolen we would not know who or where it went. We know. Just my curiosity, your thoughts?

  4. Miss conduct
    MARCH 8, 2021 AT 12:01 AM
    “…it wasn’t stolen but taken from us because if it was stolen we would not know who or where it went. ”

    …DO we know who and where it went?

    That molester festering to senile death in the White House isn’t even in charge of his own skid marks. He reads a script, signs what’s put in front of him, and has at least two very visible female minders to keep him on script, and gets his feed cut when he goes off it.

    Is it China ruling us?

    Is it Soros?

    Is it a business oligarchy?
    Could be.

    Is it all of these, or something else?
    We don’t really know.

    But it ain’t Joe.

    …so it WAS taken from us, and we DON’T really know where it went.

    …sounds stolen to ME…

  5. If you lived in a liberal shithole and called the police to report a theft, you get the “so, do you want us to file a report?”

    Because investigating the crime and catching the perp were never a consideration.

  6. the Bible, Jesus himself, warns us that when we cast judgement on others we end up being judged by those same standards ourselves.

    The Left loves to use the first part of that scripture to cast judgment on their opponents while totally ignoring the second part of it, but there is no way to escape the process.

    BE wise and learn a lesson from it.

  7. @ Anonymous
    MARCH 8, 2021 AT 3:24 AM,
    That is basically anywhere. Got to have a poleece report in order to file for your insurance.
    When seconds matter the poleece are minutes away.

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