Trump-appointed federal judge blocks removal of Confederate monument at Arlington National Cemetery – IOTW Report

Trump-appointed federal judge blocks removal of Confederate monument at Arlington National Cemetery

PM: A Trump appointed federal judge issued a temporary restraining order on Monday barring the removal of the Reconciliation Monument in Arlington National Cemetery.

According to NBC 4, Defend Arlington filed a lawsuit on Sunday in federal court in Alexandria, Virginia, seeking a restraining order on the monument’s removal. A hearing is scheduled for Wednesday.

Work had been underway on Monday morning when the order was issued, but the monument had yet to be deconstructed.

On Friday, the cemetery said that it expected to complete the removal this week, adding that the removal was required by Congress.

The lawsuit accuses the Army, which runs the famed cemetery, of violating regulations when they sought the removal of the monument.

“The removal will desecrate, damage, and likely destroy the Memorial longstanding at ANC as a grave marker and impede the Memorial’s eligibility for listing on the National Register of Historic Places,” the lawsuit states. more here

17 Comments on Trump-appointed federal judge blocks removal of Confederate monument at Arlington National Cemetery

  1. Reconciliation. It had a purpose…to try and heal. They are doing everything to really have a true civil war (the last one being just a war to prevent secession, not truly one in which one group was trying to take over the country).

  2. I think I’ve clicked every link. I cold be wrong. So far I see failed to mention Judge Rossie Alston is as black as my heart.
    Judge Rossie Alston, please find out who ultimately order this and why. My guess is their initials started with BoRock Obama.
    Thank you sir you are a Patriot.

  3. Arlington is sacred ground for the souls who sacrificed it all.

    My question is this: Where the fuck is the military, and why are they not stomping the guts out of the bastards who were taking it down, along with who ordered it?

    Next it will be the tomb of the unknown soldier they try, and I sure hope the guard puts a hole smack dab in the chest of the first offender.

    This whole event irks the absolute shit out of me.

  4. Tsunami, you’re right that Arlington is sacred ground. I spent a whole day in May 1992 when I was in Wash. DC for the National Day of Prayer by myself by wandering thru all the graves in awe of the sacrifices of all those who sacrificed their lives from the Civil war onward. We as a people cannot be reconciled if these Anti-American hating bastards are allowed to get away with tearing down this Confederate memorial. If these assholes are allowed to get away with this, we will have just denied our history of the bloody American Civil War that claimed over 600,000 plus lives both Union and Confederate and will render its meaning as insignificant and totally meaningless and not worth the sacrifice both sides gave to save the soul of this nation to end slavery. If we willingly forget the past and try to deny it, we may just find ourselves in an even bloodier civil war to save this nation once again from the powers of darkness. This should not be allowed. Where are the patriots to stand up and say no more or else? As a Navy veteran, I hate these anti-American bastards and I pray that this judge has the balls to tell them to go to Hell. We’ll see, God is still in charge even if joey and the deep state thinks they are which they aren’t.

  5. “Where the fuck is the military, and why are they not stomping the guts out of the bastards who were taking it down, along with who ordered it?”

    From the article: “The lawsuit accuses the Army, which runs the famed cemetery, of violating regulations when they sought the removal of the monument.”

    And there you have it. The very protectors of Arlington are the ones attempting to destroy it.
    Similarly to the FBI and DOJ – traitors, all.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Overruled & NO STANDING. History, bah humbug. This argument does not mean there shoild be forever monuments honoring a terrible time in America’s past of hate, racism & white supremacy.
    This jackass judge will be overruled. Maybe there should be monuments to Hitler too, HELL NO!

  7. F—king Pentagon just sits on its hands and passively watches this travesty unfold.

    But i bet now the JAG-offs are all up in arms against this righteous judge and Ray’theon Austin will be leading the charge.

  8. My great uncle Jim is buried there, not far from that monument site. He fought in the Spanish American War.
    Yes, it’s true. My family has a long history of late childbirths. My Dad was old enough to be my grandfather when I was born. Both of my grandfathers were born in the 1870s.

  9. To the Anonymous who just posted above:

    I feel sorry for you and those like you who (apparently) came up in the school system starting about 1990. And if you aren’t from that cohort, then the only reason you sound so ignorant is because you swallowed the entire CRT indoctrination without searching any truth out for yourself. These are the same people who denigrate Shakespeare as just another “dead, white guy.” How stupid.

    I mean no disrespect at all. No sane person believes that history is “bah humbug”, because history exists regardless of your approval of it, and history, in its most basic sense, is simply an accumulation of events over time.

    More than anything, though, our history as a nation of people stands out as one of the most fascinating, inspiring, and instructive stories in all of humanity, warts and all.


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