Trump Approval Surges During DNC – IOTW Report

Trump Approval Surges During DNC

Kamala Harris made history last night as the first black woman to accept a VP nomination for either main political party. She also helped make history for President Donald Trump’s poll numbers, which saw a surge thereafter (though to be fair – there was no shortage of speakers who could’ve unintentionally boosted Trump!)

In the Rasmussen Poll, President Trump’s approval stood at 47% yesterday – but made an incredible four percentage point leap this morning to 51%. When I reached out to Rasmussen to confirm that the sampling for today’s poll wasn’t taken before the DNC began to air, they said the polling data was being accumulated as the DNC speeches were ongoing. In other words, it is likely that some people were being directly influenced by the DNC – albeit not in favor of any Democrats. more

21 Comments on Trump Approval Surges During DNC

  1. “The first black female vice presidential candidate”

    That kinda pales with most other “firsts” after having the first black transsexual galavanting around the white house for eight years!

  2. The DNC is shooting itself in the foot every day. Kamala the light skinned black,Forgetful Joe and Obama who golfed and vacationed every other day saying Trump doesn’t take his responsibility seriously! Give me a break! As someone else put it,a slow train wreck.

  3. On the upside, I received my MAGA hat today. It is way cool, Red & White on the bill & Blue with stars on top. Also has a big golden Eagle on front!
    Yup, the Trump surge is real!

    He should win, no problem if the dem cheating can be kept to a minimum.

  4. Kamala Harris made history last night as the first black woman to accept a VP nomination for either main political party.

    She isn’t black, East Indians are pissed about being called black/African American.


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