Trump argues US has ‘passed the peak on new cases,’ teases new guidelines for reopening economy – IOTW Report

Trump argues US has ‘passed the peak on new cases,’ teases new guidelines for reopening economy

FOX: President Trump declared on Wednesday that the country has “passed the peak” in the number of new cases of the novel coronavirus, while teasing an upcoming announcement on guidelines the White House will offer states for reopening the economy.

“The battle continues but the data indicates that we have passed the peak,” Trump said during a press briefing in the White House Rose Garden.

The president did not reveal any details of the guidelines it will release, but said he will be making an announcement Thursday afternoon. more

16 Comments on Trump argues US has ‘passed the peak on new cases,’ teases new guidelines for reopening economy

  1. My employer was surprised when I offered to come back. All the other employees chose to stay home because they are making more on unemployment. I would rather earn my money even if it is significantly less.

  2. “… published criteria for a road to recovery …”?

    Ya gotta be shittin me!

    “Diktats rescinded!”
    All that is necessary and more than what’s sufficient.

    Gov’t simply has to step aside and let the sovereign decide.
    Your business – your decision.

    WTF is wrong with us?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. All government needs to do is tell us the truth about the risks, who’s most at risk and where, and how to mitigate the risk, while doing what the can to ASSIST where needed.
    Then leave us the fuck alone and quit telling us how to live.

  4. There’s probably going to be finacial chaos due to so much wealth dissapearing so quickly. As I wrote from the start, there are more things to suffer or die from than the flu. I hope I’m wrong.

  5. We will be allowed to “recover” when the goals of the shutdown have been accomplished.

    And by “goals” I mean the real ones, and they were not the claimed medical or health related ones.

  6. 9/11 gave us the DHS and the TSA. Wonder what alphabet circle jerk agencies we’ll get now? DHP: Dept. of Homeland Pandemics. BTW, DHS is now the Dept. of Hand Sanitizer.

  7. > > @Different Tim April 16, 2020 at 8:53 am
    > >
    > > I would rather earn my money even if it is significantly less.
    > @Anonymous April 16, 2020 at 9:02 am
    > Tim, I wish everyone was like that.

    I’m The United States CoC.
    And I’ve pitched a tent for you.

  8. Compare Wuhan Flu deaths with ALL the other flu deaths for this year.

    29,000 to 59,000 REGULAR flu deaths (note the vague numbers) – opposed to (Updated Apr 16 at 11:17 AM local) 28,593 Wuhan Flu deaths (note the precise figure).

    I smell bullshit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Missouri 191 highway traffic deaths so far this year.
    152 of coronavirus disease 2019. And we have not
    reached peak traffic death season.
    Discuss amongst yourself.

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