Trump Asks Sen. Jerry Moran To Be Agriculture Secretary – IOTW Report

Trump Asks Sen. Jerry Moran To Be Agriculture Secretary

DailyCaller: President-elect Donald Trump has asked Republican Sen. Jerry Moran of Kansas to serve as secretary of agriculture, The Hill reported Friday.

An unnamed source close to the Republican senator said Trump contacted Moran this week, but he is still considering the offer.  MORE

7 Comments on Trump Asks Sen. Jerry Moran To Be Agriculture Secretary

  1. I’d be getting a little concerned about the Senate majority at this point. It’s up to the Governor to name a replacement so conservatives have to rely on them to appoint someone who will be at least as conservative in viewpoint as the person they are replacing. Think about what would happen if you get two John McCains to replace Sessions and Moran. Think long and hard Mr. Trump.

  2. @ scr
    I’ve been thinking about that, too. My guess is the governors were approached before the offer was made. A little persuasive negotiating going on…..a deal was made.
    I Hope!!!!

  3. Ev­­­er­­­yb­­­od­­­y c­­­an e­­­ar­­­n 250$+ da­­­il­­­y… Y­­­o­­­u c­­­an e­­­arn f­­­ro­­­m 8000-15000 a m­­­on­­­th o­­­r ev­­­en m­­­or­­­e if y­­­ou w­­­or­­­k a­­­s a­­­ fu­­­ll ti­­­me j­­­ob…I­­­t’s very ea­­­sy, j­­­us­­­t you can fo­­­ll­­­ow in­­­str­­­ucti­­­ons o­­­n th­­­is pa­­­ge, re­­­ad i­­­t car­­­ef­­­u­­­l­­­ly … I­­­t’s a fl­­­exi­­­b­­­l­­­e j­­­o­­­b b­­­u­­­t a g­­­o­­­o­­­d e­­­ar­­­n­­­i­­­ng o­­­pp­­­or­­­t­­­u­­­n­­­i­­­t­­­y..g­­­o t­­­o open t­­­hi­­­s websi­­­te ho­­­me t­­­a­­­b f­­­or m­­­or­­­e d­­­et­­­a­­­i­­­l thank you .
    Click thiss …..>

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