Trump at G20: Mexico ‘Absolutely’ Paying for Border Wall – IOTW Report

Trump at G20: Mexico ‘Absolutely’ Paying for Border Wall


Breitbart: During a meeting at the G20 in Hamburg, Germany, between U.S. President Donald Trump and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, Trump told reporters that he “absolutely” still wants Mexico to pay for a wall along the U.S. border.

Members of the press were briefly allowed in the meeting where an AP reporter asked Trump, “Mr. Trump, do you still want Mexico to pay for the wall?”

Trump responded, “Absolutely.”

The comments came after the two presidents had delivered statements. Trump said that, at the time of the Friday meeting, it had been a “successful day.” He stated, “We’re negotiating NAFTA and some other things with Mexico, and we’ll see how it all turns out, but I think we’ve made very good progress.”  Continued

3 Comments on Trump at G20: Mexico ‘Absolutely’ Paying for Border Wall

  1. Not surprising. Trump’s political opponents are handicapped by never having been in business. Or any other real world endeavors.

    Politics is acting–posturing, lies, deception, make believe. A simple game even lightweights can play (Franken, Bernie, DiBlasio, Brown, Hilary, Obama).
    It’s poor preparation for any sort of real responsibility.
    Trump’s a winner in multiple cut throat Industries–global real estate and media, for two–where opponents aren’t posturing and the Game is not let’s-pretend.

    In the real world, the Trump Organization would not give a lightweight like Macron an internship to fetch coffee.

    Trump’s a Lion sniffing a basketful of newborn kittens.

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