Trump Beats the Corona Virus – IOTW Report

Trump Beats the Corona Virus

8 Comments on Trump Beats the Corona Virus

  1. …it’s all fun and games until you realize this was an assassination attemt.

    That isn’t being even INVESTIGATED.

    …so, as with the NUMEROUS coup attempts, they will try again…

    …and again…

    …and again…

    ….and very likely SUCCEED.

    Sooner or later.

    …you don’t let them keep trying to kill the King.

    If our corrupt “government” is unable to hang assassins…

    …it falls to US to do so.

    ….either way, Civil War, 11/4/20. Most likely by mutual agreement.

    Be ready…

  2. Now what are Liberal, Socialist Democrats going to do?
    Trump has backed up his words with a clear personal example.
    The Virus is NOT as deadly the LEFTEST and MEDIA want you to believe. CDC 10-7-20 we have 39,548 reported New Cases and only 361 reported deaths with a 0.912814807322747 Mortality rate now.?

    ALSO NOTE: Trump is no spring chicken and falls into that
    high mortality age group.


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