Trump Blasts ‘Whimpering’ Jimmy Fallon After Criticism For Comments About ‘Hair Show’ – IOTW Report

Trump Blasts ‘Whimpering’ Jimmy Fallon After Criticism For Comments About ‘Hair Show’

DC: President Donald Trump blasted late night talk show host Jimmy Fallon Sunday after he recalled being criticized for messing up then-candidate Trump’s hair in an interview during the 2016 presidential campaign.

“Jimmy Fallon is now whimpering to all that he did the famous ‘hair show’ with me (where he seriously messed up my hair), & that he would have now done it differently because it is said to have ‘humanized’ me-he is taking heat. He called & said ‘monster ratings.’ Be a man Jimmy!” Trump said in a tweet.

The comments come after the host of the The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon said he would have done things “differently” after receiving backlash for his 2016 interview with Trump, where he put his hands on Trump’s head and messed up his hair on national television.

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7 Comments on Trump Blasts ‘Whimpering’ Jimmy Fallon After Criticism For Comments About ‘Hair Show’

  1. Are any of the late-night shows actual variety shows, or just leftist political satire/commentary now?
    The Tonight show was never the same after Johnny retired; Leno did his best, but he ain’t no Johnny Carson – no one is.
    And all the others are just night lights.

  2. Democrats: disingenuous, dependably deficient, deliberately dishonest, deliberately degenerate, defamatory, deceptive by design, doctrinaire dictators, dogmatic donkeyheads

    Disposable parasites.


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