Trump brings America First to the G-7 – IOTW Report

Trump brings America First to the G-7

I saw this picture from the G-7 Summit on Twitter this morning. And it really say it all, doesn’t it?

16 Comments on Trump brings America First to the G-7

  1. I recall Obama looking like a stoner at one of these things, walking around chewing gum, smirking and avoiding eye contact with anybody. Which was easy, because backs were turning everywhere he went. Such disrespect. And these were people who supposedly adored him. I don’t care if they hate Trump, but they’d better respect him.

  2. Wingman – I love that photo with Trump and Japanese PM Abe sitting there with their arms folded looking at Merkel like “WTF are you talking about?”

  3. Trudeau is pushed all the way to irrelevance in his own country. Caption contest, what is he thinking at this time?

    “Ring ring ring ring ring ring bananaphone!”


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