Trump budget aims to jump-start construction, cut red tape – IOTW Report

Trump budget aims to jump-start construction, cut red tape

FOX-President Trump is calling to pump $1.5 trillion into fixing America’s infrastructure while streamlining the often-cumbersome permitting process, as part of a $4 trillion-plus budget plan unveiled Monday. 

“Washington will no longer be a roadblock to progress. Washington will now be your partner,” Trump said at a meeting with state and local officials at the White House.

In the runup to the release, the president also tweeted: “This will be a big week for Infrastructure. After so stupidly spending $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is now time to start investing in OUR Country!”

Unlike last year’s plan, the fiscal 2019 blueprint does not seek to balance the budget over the next decade. Combined with a newly passed spending deal and sweeping tax cuts, the budget would see the federal deficit once again rising past $1 trillion in the near-term.

The infrastructure component, however, would not necessarily be a huge driver of Washington’s red ink. read more

2 Comments on Trump budget aims to jump-start construction, cut red tape

  1. …And so it begins.

    Once this gets going it will not stop until we have the 22nd century infrastructure that is the envy of the world instead of the 17th century steam/diesel clap-traps we are still running today and then wonder why we have 3 train wrecks in a row within one month.

    Obumbles did nothing but steal federal money and contracts, hand them out to his “special” friends and donors, and then tell everyone his first really big lie as president as to where exactly that money went and what it built.

    I hope him and his entire illegal administration gets sent to GITMO for some extreme waterboarding until they are frog-marched in chains to the waiting gallows so that everyone can watch it free on broadcast TV.

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