Trump calls Limbaugh ‘legend,’ in first TV interview since Senate trial – IOTW Report

Trump calls Limbaugh ‘legend,’ in first TV interview since Senate trial

JustTheNews: Former President Trump on Wednesday afternoon praised the career of conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh, who has died of cancer.

“He loved his country, and he loved his fans,” Trump said on the Fox News Channel. “He is a legend.” more

8 Comments on Trump calls Limbaugh ‘legend,’ in first TV interview since Senate trial

  1. damn right. No one in my generation shaped politics like El Rushbo. I awakened the sleeping giant.

    First time i ever heard him he was literally yelling “if you dont know who is running, DONT VOTE” or something to that effect. Anyways, i was hooked. He always said what i was thinking. Like he read my mind.

  2. I watched both interviews Trump did on FOX. He refused to speak to anything but Rush. He also did an interview on Newsmax with Kelly. And he went scorched Earth. He clearly no longer trusts anybody, ANYBODY, on FOX.

  3. It won’t be long at all until some liberal icon assumes room temperature.
    MSM will have hour long programming vigils.
    GOP will roll out the red carpet along with golden casket viewings and parades.

    Me, I hope for a mass liberal Jonestown…
    It’s come to this!


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