Trump Calls on Big Pharma to Immediately Disclose Safety Data on Vaccines – IOTW Report

Trump Calls on Big Pharma to Immediately Disclose Safety Data on Vaccines

Daily Fetched– Former President Donald Trump, for the first time, addressed the rising concerns over adverse events linked to COVID-19 vaccines in an exclusive interview with conservative political commentator Tudor Dixon.

Regarding the hardships Americans face following the coronavirus pandemic, Dixon asked Trump about his stance regarding future COVID-19-related shutdowns.

“We had a booming economy with you before COVID. COVID stole so much from us. We lost our loved ones,” Dixon began.

“We suffered major learning loss. Our kids really suffered mental health strain. Costs have gone through the roof,” she added. more

16 Comments on Trump Calls on Big Pharma to Immediately Disclose Safety Data on Vaccines

  1. The data was wrong all along, and it will be wrong again. We don’t need any data, we have it all from the first go-around. Give it the same name as before “Operation Warp Speed.” If I were Trump, I’d be keeping my pie hole shut regarding covid. FO!

  2. If the GOP weren’t a gaggle of corrupt traitors, liars, and thieves they’d repeal Big Pharma’s immunities from lawsuits.

    But, of course, money talks; shit walks – and the GOP is “All In” on the corruption.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”
    Proverbs 14:12

    President Trump chose the way that seemed right based on what he had no reason to believe at the time was not the best medical advice, nor
    t discerning he was being advised by demons.

    Death was – and is – indeed the end result.

  4. “The data was wrong all along, and it will be wrong again.”

    WTF does data have to do with this. Trump faced a huge crisis. He eliminated an FDA that would have taken ten years before Pharma could have gotten a drug to market. Pharma did not do the due diligence and should be held accountable. Trump gave them an opportunity to perform and they failed.
    If that virus was half as deadly as Fauci claimed we all would have been dead long before the FDA approved a drug.
    In my opinion, Trumps actions were spot on. Trump also left taking the jab up to personal choice. He left it up to the states.

  5. Trump NEVER mandated taking the vaccine. He left it up to personal choice. He’s also on top of Big Pharma fraud. If you’re going to think you are going to do any better with any other politician handling this COVID crap, think again.
    Trump is not perfect, NOBODY is, but he’s the BEST we have!

  6. Besides “COVID crap,” Mr. Trump needs to also weigh in on the following:

    (1) The coming collapse of the U.S. Dollar
    (2) The FED’s plan for a digital currency
    (3) Coming integrated, social credit ID systems
    (4) Disarming Federal agencies from the Bush/Obama-era stockpiling of weapons
    (5) De-fusing the Ukraine mess
    (6) Telling Europe and NATO to fuck off
    (7) Telling China to fuck off and help supply it with handy dildos so it can get to it promptly.

  7. Trump exposed election fraud. Trump is the kryptonite to the corrupt political system we have been enduring forever. He’s the ONLY ONE to give this country half a chance to not go into a spiraling hell hole and Dems, RINOS, Media, Deep State are doing all they can, short of physical assassination, to stop him.
    If you are a true American Patriot that truly loves our country, you wouldn’t buy into the gas-lighting, brainwashing media’s “hate Trump” campaign.
    EVERYONE on the Republican/Conservative side should be supporting the BEST President we ever had in our lifetime.
    All 8 clowns that are selfishly trying to get to the White House should bow out and support Trump if they truly love this country.
    Trump has sacrificed his comfortable life to save this country. YOU OWE IT TO HIM!

  8. “(7) Telling China to fuck off and help supply it with handy dildos so it can get to it promptly.”

    Trump’s already accomplished that. I posted a couple days ago that the Chicom economy has always been a hand grenade predicated on U.S. consumer and cheap raw material. And Trump pulled the pin.
    No matter what you might read his tariffs on the raw material are still in place. We can’t use it, but we are occasionally priced Chicom aluminum. It’s still on average 2.5 times the price of American melt. Years passed it was 30% cheaper. That tariff extend from anything from ball bearings, fasteners, metal, etc.

  9. Yes, agreed, Brad, but he’s got to lay the bricks for that to convince more people to get on board. And he really needs to address some of my list as deep policy statements because they’re going to rapidly become front/center – including Medicare expenditures (which I omitted) that are STILL on track to fully swamp the Federal Government’s budget.

    People couldn’t pin him down during his term on the FED’s pushing the interest rates to zero, remember? He’s been VERY crafty in support vs. criticism of the FED’s policies. Everyone who’s played that game over the years is about to have it blow up in their face. WE NEED PRECIOUS METAL-BACKED CURRENCY managed by our own National Bank Of The United States!

    Trump needs to get on board the anti-fiat money train!

  10. I don’t care if any injectable is proven safe as water.
    I’m not letting Big Pharma with a syringe and a needle anywhere near my body.

  11. Trump put his faith and trust in the likes of Fauci and Birx, whom both turned out to be traitors to the American people and still are.

    There is no true “data.” All can be conjured, manipulated, on and on. Trump pushed the jab. No excuse…..

    Still, he continued: “But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine and it is something that works.”

    Trump Tells Followers to Get Vaccinated Against Coronavirus — March 17, 2021, at 10:59 a.m.


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