Trump Calls on Conservative States to Punish Tech Companies with “Major Sanctions” if They Censor Conservatives – IOTW Report

Trump Calls on Conservative States to Punish Tech Companies with “Major Sanctions” if They Censor Conservatives

GP: President Trump told the crowd he was NOT starting a new political party.
He suggested he might run again to “beat Democrats a third time!”
He called out election fraud in the 2020 election.
And, President Trump called on conservative states to start sanctioning the far-left tech giants when they censor conservatives. more

4 Comments on Trump Calls on Conservative States to Punish Tech Companies with “Major Sanctions” if They Censor Conservatives

  1. Censorship Is The Tool Used When The Lie Loses It’s Power

    That is how I know it to be a stone cold natural fact that way too many Democrat voters recognize that there was widespread election fraud in the 2020 Presidential election. Sufficient election fraud to make it absolutely and unequivocal that the election was stolen.

    I live in the heart of the looney leftist Puget Sound Metropolitan area and the number of Biden voters who believe the election was flat our stolen is significant.


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