Trump Calls Out Color Revolution Cabal In Blistering Policy Statement – IOTW Report

Trump Calls Out Color Revolution Cabal In Blistering Policy Statement

Revolver: While the regime media continues its desperate attempt to blacklist GOP front-runner President Donald Trump from coverage, the leader of the MAGA movement has been rolling out one top-notch policy statement after another.

One of Trump’s recent announcements takes direct aim at the corrupt national security establishment, and reminds the American people why Trump was the first President in decades not to drag our nation into a pointless war.

But if you listen closely, Trump gives up one detail that is perhaps one of the most subversive truths President Trump has ever uttered (and that is indeed saying something). If you listen closely, you can catch President Trump calling out a certain “Victoria Nuland,” and the State Department’s role in regime change operations in Ukraine. MORE

4 Comments on Trump Calls Out Color Revolution Cabal In Blistering Policy Statement

  1. I can’t even imagine what his security entails. The Dems have armed all their ally’s. The Cartels, Taliban, funneled weapons through Ukraine. How many have been disappeared for speaking the truth?
    What is the security perimeter? 1/2 mile? Mile?
    The majority would have to be invisible.


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