Trump campaign announces speaker lineup for 2020 Republican National Convention – IOTW Report

Trump campaign announces speaker lineup for 2020 Republican National Convention

just The News: The Trump campaign has revealed the list of speakers who will participate in this week’s upcoming Republican National Convention where President Trump will officially become the GOP’s presidential nominee.

The list published by the Trump Campaign contains a slew of Republican politicians that includes senators, congress members, governors and others.


15 Comments on Trump campaign announces speaker lineup for 2020 Republican National Convention

  1. Looking at the RNC list of speakers & comparing it to the DNC list, the RNC list is almost all “A Listers” vs. the DNC list was all “F- listers”. I’m saying it this way because I know the “Progs” will become unglued after seeing the RNC list.

  2. I know many of them but not all, meaning I am in for a surprise or two. That’s a good thing.

    Popcorn will be popped and I am looking forward to it on OANN or Newsmax. Maybe even CSPAN.

    Fox News has lost me. Bye. They’ll blather over the whole event and are tiresome.

    Except Tucker, maybe.
    Sean and Laura are enamored with their own voices.
    The rest are dullards.

  3. Replace Nikki Haley with Diamond & Silk.

    Replace Don Jr.’s girlfriend with Wild Bill for America.

    Replace Ronna McDaniel with Dan Bongino.

    Replace Joni Ernst with Brandon Straka.

    Replace Kevin McCarthy with Candace Owens.

    Replace Rudi Giulani with Stephen Miller.

    Replace Mitch McConnell. Just replace him. He doesn’t belong in the Republican party.

  4. @Abigail Adams – was with you until you suggested replacing Rudy.

    No freakin’ way.

    What do you not like about Rudy??

    I actually do not plan on watching any of it. You see, I am not a Republican!!

  5. I heard the theme of the RNC is The American People! God Bless America and keeping America Great! They invited a lot of avergage people to come and speak and tell everyone what they want and need in a President and what President Trump has done for them so far and to continue. That is why a lot of names are not recognized. AbigailAdmas, I like some of your suggestions. Hodge Twins and D&S would have been nice and entertaining, to say the least but there are reasons they are not on the list. I’m sure good ones, too. I’ve been hearing so much about what President Trump has done for the suffering areas and it needs to get out there because the Media will NEVER let us know. Looking forward to this week.

    God Bless us all!

  6. Candace Owens and Stephan Miller should both be there. Kimberly Guilfoyle should only be there as Don Jr’s guest. I can’t believe the Trump campaign has her sending out fundraising emails.

  7. What’s not to like about Rudi?

    He’s a terrible speaker. Also, there are so many people who are a lot more current. I get that he’s America’s Mayor, but there are a lot of grass roots patriots who deserve a center stage opportunity as well.

    If it was up to me there would be very few elected officials speaking. Few of them got Trump elected. Some of them still undermine him.

  8. AA
    Your suggestions would be awesome for this crowd. But we are already committed. The campaign is after name recognition. Their goal is to swing swing voters our way with a positive message from people hopefully every one knows. Sorry, I need to disagree with you here.

  9. FYI Everyone, a great place to watch will be Rightside Broadcasting on YouTube. They stream these events uninterrupted and provide coverage.

    P.S .. no Diamond and Silk??? No Candace Owens??? I’m disappointed!

  10. BB — You’re right. I’d thought about that, too. I do hope the transformation from Conservative Lite to full on Trumplicans can be accomplished after 2021, though. It would be more than nice if we could jetison some of the boat anchors who keep compromising with the Left in order to appeal to their confused voters.

  11. Oh, here’s the another thought behind my changes: There is a burgeoning demographic of voters who need to hear some younger, fresher, conservative voices on a national stage. If I really enjoy listening to someone as intelligent, articulate and knowledgeable as, say, Candace Owens or Stephen Miller, I think they will just as appealing to a 20-something who shares the same concerns, hopes and fears as someone closer to their own age. More so, I think, than a politician who has been circling national politics for a couple of decades. Isn’t this one of the problems with the commie Dems? They preach the sermon of “change” but they’re doing it with a whole roster of people who brought their party to its calcified present.

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