Trump campaign, Georgia Republican Party file election lawsuit in Georgia – IOTW Report

Trump campaign, Georgia Republican Party file election lawsuit in Georgia

Just The News-

The Trump campaign and the Georgia Republican Party have filed a lawsuit in Georgia, marking the third suit the campaign has lodged in pivotal battleground states.

The suit has been lodged against the Chatham County Board of Elections, according to the Associated Press.

“President Trump and his team are fighting for the good of the nation to uphold the rule of law, and Georgia’s law is very clear: to legally count, mail ballots must be received by 7:00 p.m. on Election Day,” a statement from Trump Deputy Campaign Manager and Senior Counsel Justin Clark said. “That’s still the law, even after Democrats sued earlier this year to extend the deadline and delay Election Day—President Trump and Republicans fought to uphold Georgia law, and we won.” more

5 Comments on Trump campaign, Georgia Republican Party file election lawsuit in Georgia

  1. When it’s all done, the lawyers have to do a live presser on how the fraud was done. Like, tell everything and tell on everyone. Then they have to print up pamphlets so voters can see them, too, and throw in the jail time and fines.

    Also, the fed elections should be done the same way for every state. All votes come in on Tuesday, no late entries. No mail out ballots that are unasked for. voter rolls cleaned yearly. If it takes your state more than 2 days to count, it’s an automatic recount. If your state reports more votes than registered voters, automatic recount/investigation. If you disagree, your votes are canceled. Because y’all are shady.

    Who your state votes for (president/ vice president) effects my state, too.
    Stop playing around.


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