Trump Campaign Launches ‘Moms For Trump’ Coalition – IOTW Report

Trump Campaign Launches ‘Moms For Trump’ Coalition

Daily Caller: President Donald Trump’s campaign is launching a “Moms for Trump” coalition ahead of Mother’s Day during an online broadcast.

The campaign’s online broadcast will air Saturday at 8 p.m., Trump campaign spokeswoman Sarah Matthews told the Daily Caller News Foundation. It will feature top Trump 2020 advisers Lara Trump, Mercedes Schlapp, Katrina Pierson and national chair of Trump Victory Finance Committee Kimberly Guilfoyle. more here

11 Comments on Trump Campaign Launches ‘Moms For Trump’ Coalition

  1. The Democrat coalition is imploding. I was on the phone with a good friend yesterday. Staunch Democrat supporter the entire twenty years I have known her. We never talk politics, but we know each other’s politics.

    OK, yesterday she tells me: I don’t give a damn what they say on the news, it is obvious that the Democrats are trying to exploit this whole COVID thing. It is so obvious.

    She is retired and has been in self isolation for about six weeks now. She said that at first she believed what she was hearing on the news, but she isn’t sure any more. What she does believe is that the Democrats are using this to destroy the economy in order to damage Trump.

    I asked: ya really think that? She replied to me: Well it is so obvious I’m really surprised you can’t see that.

  2. Makes perfect sense, Melania is a GREAT mother, we know this, and it is also known that DJT had a solid relationship with his mom. (the left hates these things)

    Unlike the former Occupant of the WH who’s mom left him. Sorry on mothers day but to hell with that man.

    That cocksucker through his grandmother under the bus as well so he can go STRAIGHT.TO.HELL.

    A self serving prick.

    Can you tell I am ‘sick’ of this??? Melania a beautiful wonderful person and a MOM, gets the shaft as mother and wife from the haters and the press.

    I will leave it with THIS – Mikes’, oppsie, Michelle’s daughters do not look like her OR her husband…one actually looks Somalian in nature, the older one, do the math.

  3. Ghost of…-

    Had too much to drink? Conspiracy theory much?
    Not sure where you came up with that Obama crap, but whatever you wrote is certainly not very becoming of any conservative christian crowd

  4. ghost of brig gen j glover
    MAY 10, 2020 AT 7:23 PM

    “I will leave it with THIS – Mikes’, oppsie, Michelle’s daughters do not look like her OR her husband…one actually looks Somalian in nature, the older one, do the math.”

    …they are rent-a-kids, borrowed for the optics because a gay man and an unconvincing transvestite cannot have chidren together, here’s the REAL folks…

  5. To Minny Mel,

    Drinking much?? Good one! No, not yet, check back with me in two hours. Til then? It’s nice to start the conversation that way DICKHEAD.

    How old are you?

    ‘Conspiracy theorist’ is an Alinsky like attack, why you ask?? (go look at Rules for Radicals). The AIC came out with that term as a diversionary tactic from people asking fucking questions, actually debating what the hell is going on. ‘Use what they know and understand and like, then use it against them” – Saul Alinsky. Examples include the use of the bible and the constitution AGAINST a free minded critical thinking person with reason and YES faith.

    And who the FUCK said anything about ‘christian conservative crowd’ you douchebag.

    Do your research shitbag.

    IF you come back at me I will have but no choice to provide YOUR sorry ass actual information, but just for starters? Look up a guy by the name of Jack Cashill.

    Your president was a FRAUD. Get over it…DUUUDE or dudette.

    Someone just said something about to be aware ‘of the trolls around’ that can get to this great place?

    Okay, fine I say, but you are worst than a troll, you a are ORC, a useless fecal fodder matter, told what to do, when to do it, and only to end up being slaughtered in the end.

    Oh, and I call it as I see it, balls hanging and all.

    Ga ahead. I’ll wait, I have to drink some more ya know.

    Your next Nightmare,


  6. Hi Minny Mel,

    I just kinda strolled into ‘town’ not that long ago. So I am trying to figure out why did you start with you attack @ghost of brig gen j glover?

    What he say, from what I have read as well, only affirms what may people already know?? What exactly are you afraid of, other than the Whuflu which must have you under the covers, about now, in the fetal position.

    By your outward attack you exposed yourself and Ghost, as Ghost will do, defend his position whether it is consumable or not?

    Not nice what you did, make sure you go full screen on the basement screen,

    Goodfellas, Bar Scene,

    Pay attention to kicking of ass and head stopping.


  7. @BB,Sns and HP – thank YOUS for helping to identify TRASH and remove it. There’s a lot of GARBAGE to tend to boys…and girls.

    Tactical air support, aka good immediate back up, is very gratifying when in a ground fight.

  8. @Minny Mel – I am here back to haunt you, it’s after midnight where I live and the WITCHING hour is here, and I did have a few more, so now I am REALLY ‘drunk’.

    Imagine being that, a buzzed Ghost? Here is some basic info for you to READ, you won’t like it.

    SUCK IT!

    What is a Minny Mel anyways? Minny what? Hands? Your Brain?? Oh that’s what it is…



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