Trump Campaign Mocks Iowa Democrat Caucus ‘Train Wreck’ – IOTW Report

Trump Campaign Mocks Iowa Democrat Caucus ‘Train Wreck’

Breitbart: President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign ridiculed the delayed results of the Iowa Democrat presidential caucus on Monday, calling the process a “train wreck.”

“Democrats are stewing in a caucus mess of their own creation with the sloppiest train wreck in history,” Trump 2020 campaign manager Brad Parscale wrote in a statement sent to reporters.

Iowa state Democrats struggled to verify the results of the caucus results on Monday working with a new tallying system.

Parscale scoffed at Democrats for screwing up the caucuses while their candidates were calling for government control of health care.

“It would be natural for people to doubt the fairness of the process,” Parscale wrote. “And these are the people who want to run our entire health care system?”

Republicans quickly concluded their caucus reporting system, publishing 100 percent of their caucus results publicly on a website.

“Tonight President Trump posted a record performance in the well-run GOP Iowa caucuses with a record turnout for an incumbent,” Parscale wrote. more

13 Comments on Trump Campaign Mocks Iowa Democrat Caucus ‘Train Wreck’

  1. The dems have not declared any caucus results
    because they’re not done cheating yet.

    When they can see their way clear to announce
    for the candidate that they want,
    they will then release the ” results .”

  2. Well, it’s Iowa… so the democraps only have 23 million ballots left to count. 😛

    When they get to IL & PA, they’ll have BILLIONS of ballots to sort through! 😆

  3. “…working with a new tallying system.”

    The excuse they are using to “massage” the results; JayPee is right…they’re cheating.

    This is my Captain Reynaud “I’m shocked” face.

  4. Yup. Jaypee nailed it.
    Biden likely did terribly, and Bernie won first, with Petey finishing second.
    They are now stalling and trying to figure out how to make joe the winner.


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