Trump campaign official says safest way to vote by mail is to drop off ballot in person – IOTW Report

Trump campaign official says safest way to vote by mail is to drop off ballot in person

Just The News- A senior legal adviser to the Trump 2020 campaign says the safest way to vote by mail is to drop off a ballot directly at the collection sites.

The adviser, Jenna Ellis, told “Just the News AM” host Carrie Sheffield that instead of returning a ballot through the mail service or another third party, dropping it off at a valid polling location is the best alternative. 

“You don’t have to drop it in the mail, you can drop it off from the safety and security of your car at a valid location. That’s the best way to do a vote by mail, if you choose that option,” Ellis said.

A record-breaking 10.5 million people have already voted with exactly three weeks until Election Day. Florida is leading the way with 1.6 million early votes, followed by Virginia and Wisconsin with both nearing one million votes. At this time four years ago, 1.4 million people had cast their votes. The numbers are largely attributed to voters having concerns about going to polling stations during the coronavirus, so instead voting by mail.


14 Comments on Trump campaign official says safest way to vote by mail is to drop off ballot in person

  1. I voted, by email, end of September from out of country. I checked with my county registrar to validate my votes arrival.
    Although I voted this way in ´16, the process used to validate my being me was impressive.

  2. In CO too since 100% vote by mail was instituted the entire state is basically under one party rule and every office that was often held by a Republican went to the dems. I always laugh when they tout CO as a model to follow. Only if you want to be run by emboldened leftists forever.

  3. There’s a drop off box OUTSIDE the registrars office. Screw that! Postal worker told me to never drop anything off in a drop box outside the PO or anywhere else as people will steal the contents of the box, pour crap into the box, etc. I always walk it in and hand deliver.

  4. We are going at 7:00AM IN person, as a FAMILY, because? WE CAN! IOW our municipality, on the edge of the NYC Swamp, allows it.

    Since we can’t pray at a mass yet, this will be the next best thing…

    AS a matter of fact we’ll say our prayers on the way there!

  5. Saw several stories today that King County (WA) are getting the big ballot boxes ready. They will have undercover officers watching all ballot boxes. Not sure what Snohomish is going to do. We never mail ours but drop it off at the local library ballot box.

    (Got our Voter’s Pamplet the other day. I’m ticked that POTUS and Pence are not the first page but the second page for US President. Mr. Illustr8r says it’s alphabetical but I think it’s a purposefully subtle slight to DJT.)


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