Trump Campaign Sues Three Iowa Counties over Mail-in Ballot Request Forms ‘Pre-Filled’ with Information – IOTW Report

Trump Campaign Sues Three Iowa Counties over Mail-in Ballot Request Forms ‘Pre-Filled’ with Information


The Trump campaign is suing three Iowa counties over their absentee ballots, which arrived “pre-filled with information” — something the campaign claims violates Secretary of State Paul Pate’s (R) instruction to mail blank forms to voters.

The Trump campaign has launched lawsuits against Johnson, Linn, and most recently, Woodbury County over the mailing of absentee ballot request forms featuring pre-filled information, including “names, dates of birth and a voting pin number that few people know,” according to the Associated Press (AP).

In March, Pate announced that absentee ballot request forms would be mailed out to every active registered voter in the state ahead of the state’s June 2 primary. Similarly, voters “just have to review, sign and return the forms to get ballots mailed to them beginning Oct. 5,” for the upcoming general election.

The issue, though, is the pre-filled information. The campaign contends that it violates Pate’s insistence that blank ballot forms be sent to voters to “ensure uniformity statewide,” according to the AP:

County officials say they are acting within their authority to promote absentee voting during the coronavirus pandemic. They say that leaving the forms blank would threaten to disenfranchise people who do not know their voting pin or driver’s license numbers, either of which must be provided under the state’s voter identification law.

Under a new law passed by the Republican-controlled Legislature, auditors cannot use their databases to fill in blank pin numbers on the forms as they have done in past elections. Instead, they must try to contact those voters by email or mail to correct errors themselves, a time-consuming process that will not always be successful.

Similarly, President Trump’s 2020 campaign, as well as the New Jersey Republican State Committee and the Republican National Committee (RNC), are suing New Jersey over Gov. Phil Murphy’s (D) executive order “instituting the rules that would give voters an option to avoid voting in person during the coronavirus pandemic,” as Breitbart News detailed.


7 Comments on Trump Campaign Sues Three Iowa Counties over Mail-in Ballot Request Forms ‘Pre-Filled’ with Information

  1. If you’re too stupid to be able to read your driver license number, or too stupid to record your voter PIN, then you’re too stupid to vote. Hell, you’re too stupid to be allowed out in public without a responsible adult guardian.

  2. I am encouraged that the Trump administration is keeping tabs on each and every contestable mailed ballot scheme in the US and continues to draw those schemes into court.

    Dubya’s crew never tried anything like this.


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