Trump Campaign Sues Wisconsin TV Station Over Virus-is-a-hoax Lie – IOTW Report

Trump Campaign Sues Wisconsin TV Station Over Virus-is-a-hoax Lie

New American: The Trump presidential campaign has filed yet another defamation lawsuit, but this time the target is a television station in Rhinelander, Wisconsin, that repeatedly broadcast a Democrat campaign ad that falsely claims President Trump called the Chinese Virus a “hoax.”

The Washington Post and other liberal media proved the hoax claim false some time ago, but that, apparently, did not impress the station executives at WJFW, an NBC affiliate.

Filed today in the Price County Circuit Court, the latest lawsuit is at least the campaign’s third. It has also sued the Washington Post and New York Times. more

11 Comments on Trump Campaign Sues Wisconsin TV Station Over Virus-is-a-hoax Lie

  1. See, we don’t have TV in the Soviet State of Washington. We have Indoctrination Tubes (“IT”). But we still call it the “boob tube,” since we have an unlimited number of BOOBS in government and in the media. Some of our boobs on the tube are also Dim Bulbs, for example, our Governor, Jay “Dim Bulb” Inslee. The boob is on the boob tube a lot.

    So, I’m envious of you Wisconsonites (Wisconsonians?).

  2. Just found out blacks aren’t getting their fair share of bailouts from the federal reserve.

    This undoubtedly means that programs and rules and qualifications will change so as to allow the federal reserve to print up some money and hand it to blacks. Because their black. And not white. Which would be bad.


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