Trump Can Order Rosenstein to Give Docs to Congress, So Why Doesn’t He? – IOTW Report

Trump Can Order Rosenstein to Give Docs to Congress, So Why Doesn’t He?

LifeZette -Rod Rosenstein works for President Donald Trump, who can order the deputy attorney general to comply with subpoenaed document requests from Congress or face the consequences, former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy said Thursday on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle.”

“The great irony I thought of the hearing was my friend [Rep.] Jim Jordan [of Ohio] really laying into Rod Rosenstein saying, ‘You’re the boss. These people work for you.’ And the elephant in the room is that Rosenstein works for Trump,” said McCarthy, a National Review contributor and former assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York.  more here

15 Comments on Trump Can Order Rosenstein to Give Docs to Congress, So Why Doesn’t He?

  1. The only explanation that makes sense to me is that it is a matter of timing. The time is now as far as I’m concerned, but maybe someone with more information than I have is in charge.

  2. Would making this information public make it “impossible” to have a fair trial therefore making prosecution down the road impossible?

    I’d MUCH rather see all of this turned over to a federal grand jury than Congress, no contest.

  3. It definitely could be timing, but another possibility is that the inevitable uproar over such an order would distract attention away from what DJT wants to be in the focus. Rosie’s disobedience would be just another middling act of misbehavior on a long list of more serious crimes.

    I’m not necessarily suggesting that this is probable, just that it’s possible.

  4. Ordering Rosenstein to give or not give documents to Congress is a no-win situation for Trump. If Trump supports Rosenstein, Trump will be accused of obstructing justice. If Trump orders Rosenstein to divulge documents Rosenstein claims are confidential, then Trump stands to be accused of playing politics using government agencies. (Much like Obama actually did). From Trump’s perspective, this is a matter of optics.

    This process will take longer and be messier, but I think Trump is ultimately doing the right thing if he wants to advance more important aspects of his agenda. Let Congress and the courts sort this out.

  5. Why?! BECAUSE:
    Congress LEAKS LIKE A SIEVE.
    Leaking info vital to prosecution of The Swamp Scum WE ALL WANT TO SEE PUT AWAY will destroy that path.

    SO: sit down, shut up, quitcher bichin’ and learn to WAIT.
    It ain’t easy. It certainly ain’t fun.

    But: DELAYED GRATIFICATION has its rewards.

  6. well, I look at this as the President requiring the Congress to actually do its job. the Congress started down this road and the Congress is steering the car. No sense in the President stomping on the gas pedal and careening the Congress out of control. the Congress must pursue it’s Constitutional duties as the Congress sees fit. allowing a member of the Executive branch to breach the desires of Congress is a foul the Congress must call, not the Executive, in order that the rule of law be maintained and not fall into having the Executive be controlling over the Congress.
    Is the Congress waiting until after the mid term elections to do its job? why should tomorrow be any different than today? I don’t know. My desire is to lock the beast in jail before she dies of old age if only to show that while there ain’t no justice doesn’t mean that she will get away scot free. my desire is that all of the money and privilege the beast and willie (the weenie wanker who doesn’t know what “is” means) gleaned from their years of “public service” is removed from their collective grasps.

  7. Trump is a master strategist……and his patience is admirable. I think he’s waiting for the right moment to pull the rug out from under his enemies (on both sides of the aisle).
    I have faith in his tactics.

  8. @JustAl July 1, 2018 at 12:16 pm

    “Would making this information public make it ‘impossible’ to have a fair trial therefore making prosecution down the road impossible?”

    Three words… Nuremberg

  9. there’s the idea that RR and Mueller are in fact doing what they have been told to do to save themselves. Mueller’s investigation grows more absurd every day. he’s obviously a terrible investigator and prosecutor of long standing- see Whitey Bulger and Anthrax-but this investigation is just a freakish sideshow going nowhere stacked with Clintonistas. all he has exposed is the corruption of Obama’s DOJ and FBI. that could be by design. and Congress obviously has the authority to investigate the DOJ and FBI. RR is making it so they can impeach and remove him which does way with Mueller. and it all looks like Trump had nothing to do with it. if so, it’s brilliant but frustrating for us to have to watch inch toward resolution.

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