Trump Celebrates Border Wall, Immigration Achievements in Texas Visit – IOTW Report

Trump Celebrates Border Wall, Immigration Achievements in Texas Visit


President Donald Trump traveled to the southern U.S. border on Jan. 12 to tout the successful construction of 450 miles of border wall and a number of other immigration enforcement achievements from his administration.

The president delivered a brief speech in Alamo, Texas, amid a backdrop of construction equipment and a section of the border wall. The barrier is one of the most concrete landmarks of Trump’s legacy. The president spent years bargaining and battling with Democrats to secure funding for the project amid a surge in illegal crossings over the border with Mexico.

“We worked long and hard to get this done. They said it couldn’t be done. And we got it done: one of the largest infrastructure projects in the history of our country,” the president said.

Alamo officials received no advance notice of the president’s trip, according to a statement from City Manager Bobby Salinas. more

7 Comments on Trump Celebrates Border Wall, Immigration Achievements in Texas Visit

  1. …the Great Wall of China was never breached.

    The invaders simply bribed their way inside.

    Then killed the people they bribed first.

    …it’s a lesson that seems to be lost on our current batch of election theives, but then they DID rewrite all history to say only White people are evil and, since neither participant was White, they just missed this one…

    “During a six-decade campaign to invade China, the Mongols penetrated the Great Wall and besieged the capital of Yanjing (now Beijing) in 1215. Mongols were able to regularly find ways of going around sections or through the walls—often by bribing officials and guards.

    Genghis Khan was alleged to have said, ‘The strength of a wall depends on the courage of those who defend it.” In 1279, the Mongols completed their takeover, becoming the first (but not last) non-Chinese group to rule the whole of China.”

    …at the end of the day, its the will of the defenders and not the fortification that decides the issue. We wouldn’t need walls at all if they simply shot invaders when they found them and let it be known they would, but that will never happen.

    And the stoutest wall doesn’t matter if the gates are open.

    “But men are better than gates, and no gate will endure against our Enemy if men desert it.”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Return of the King”

    We will be overwhelmed, subsumed, dominated by a population conditioned to total government dominance, poor treatment, no peasant rights, and always being the thralls of some dictator or other, with many young men in the mix that can be recruited by the globalsts who have no use for civil rights and no compunctions about killing Americans.

    As they intended all along.

    …the President just put them back four years.

    …but could not stop the blood tide alone…

  2. I’d really like to ask the President why the f*ck was lindsey “you can count me out” graham on AF-1 for the trip to Texas? After his comment last week and the fact graham is a huge amnesty proponent I have to say WTF. No, seriously, What The F*ck?

  3. I fear that Trump led you conservatives down the garden path, through the gate, over the hill and out into the desert.
    Then he left you there.
    Controlled opposition to keep you in line and in hope while the final nails were driven into the U.S.A.’s coffin.

    The final touches of calling for a Jan 6 rally in Washington, where a false flag event set conservatives up as “terrorists”, and then calling in the National Guard to protect the “inauguration” of Biden, were nice touches.
    Look up the term “kayfabe”.

    So now Graham and Trump are BFF?

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