Trump clears regulations for franchise owners, a significant rollback on Obama restrictions – IOTW Report

Trump clears regulations for franchise owners, a significant rollback on Obama restrictions


Amid a booming economy and falling unemployment, the Trump administration’s efforts to roll back harmful policies enacted under former President Barack Obama got a boost Friday when labor regulators targeted one of the more controversial of these policies.

The National Labor Relations Board may reinstate the long-standing interpretation of the joint-employer standard, which held that parent companies are not liable for labor violations committed by franchisees or subcontractors. The Washington Free Beacon reported.

The Obama administration, in support of Big Labor, did away with the previous interpretation, giving unions an avenue to bargain with big national companies like McDonald’s rather than with locally owned franchisees, according to the online news source. more here

9 Comments on Trump clears regulations for franchise owners, a significant rollback on Obama restrictions

  1. Another insidious Obama regulation gets the boot. I have to wonder just how much better things could be now if Trump didn’t have to dedicate so much time rooting out all of Obama’s messes. Too bad he just doesn’t declare everything that pig did to be null and void with one executive order.

  2. oblowme’s scratching Big Labor’s (Workers of the World, Unite!) back by allowing them to shake down the Big Money (Capitalists) rather than go after the puny local franchise.

  3. MJA — One of my favorite tea party guys did a whole sermon on the Left out of 2 Kings, and one verse: John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

    This is part 2, but part 1 is well worth a listen, too:

    (Can you believe we’re almost a decade on from the first tea party rallies?)

  4. Extirpates :

    I think Obamas’ goal was to take our economy and our industry down a peg to undo our ‘undeserved ‘ prosperity, as he sees it.

    The policies that he and Jihadi Rasputin ( Jarrett ) implemented were by design. He is an ideologue.

    Aside from his ideology though, I think he doesn’t know his ass from his elbow about economics.

    Then again, maybe his 8 years of monumental failure were just bad luck, who’s to say ?

    It is funny though to here him try to take credit for Trumps economy , especially after Trumps ‘ rollback of Obamas energy regulations have freed-up domestic production .

    An article in the Heritage today noted that Chicago Jesus was wrong and that we could ‘drill our way’ out of that problem.

    Well, to be fair, someone could write a book on all the MANY things Obama was wrong about.

    It would be multi-volume, like Encyclopeadia Britannica

  5. @organgrinder:
    I kinda like the idea of going after the regs in small bunches and making sure that everyone knows exactly what the former president did to us. Spell it out in small words so the libs can cry at their power being dismantled.


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