Trump condemns ‘evil’ impeachment after Senate acquittal: ‘It was a disgrace’ – IOTW Report

Trump condemns ‘evil’ impeachment after Senate acquittal: ‘It was a disgrace’


From FOX: President Trump, commanding a triumphant scene at the White House complete with the playing of “Hail to the Chief,” railed against what he called an “evil” impeachment process on Thursday hours after his historic acquittal in the Senate.

Greeted by thunderous applause and a standing ovation by his supporters, the president declared “we went through hell” but described the moment as a “celebration” — while maintaining as he did throughout the impeachment inquiry and trial that he “did nothing wrong.”

And on a day when he and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi were trading shots in deeply personal terms, Trump turned fire on those who prosecuted the case and other investigations against him. He called Pelosi and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff “horrible” and “vicious” people.

“It was evil. It was corrupt. It was dirty cops. It was leakers and liars. This should never, ever happen to another president, ever,” Trump said. “It was a disgrace.”

He detailed the timeline of investigations, remarking of the Russia probe: “It was all bulls—.”

And as he did earlier Thursday at a prayer breakfast, Trump brandished a copy of the day’s Washington Post with a blaring headline: “Trump acquitted.”

“We can take that home, honey. Maybe we’ll frame it,” he joked to first lady Melania Trump, saying that it was the “best” headline he’s ever received from the outlet. read more

21 Comments on Trump condemns ‘evil’ impeachment after Senate acquittal: ‘It was a disgrace’

  1. The thing to do to stop this sort of attempted of attempted false legal action against any future President would be to go after Ciaramella and associated conspirators -including Schiff and probably Pelosi- and hold them accountable to the fullest extent the law allows.

    But I doubt that will happen.

  2. I don’t want to hear another word about how he wouldn’t shake Nancy’s hand. People need to understand that the urge to ragdoll that cadaver would have been too hard to resist. It was an act of mercy to turn away.

  3. “It was evil. It was corrupt. It was dirty cops. It was leakers and liars…”

    That about sums it up. THAT is the democrat party, deep state bureaucrats and RINO establishment turncoats.

  4. I loved his remarks of the men who stood by him and tirelessly worked to prove his innocence.
    These men will have a very unshakable bond in the future. Also his family standing with him was a beautiful thing. Hoping the next term will be much better for the better of our country.

  5. “I love getting even when I get screwed by someone—yes, it is true … Always get even. When you are in business you need to get even with people who screw you. You need to screw them back fifteen times harder … go for the jugular, attack them in spades!” Trump”

    This better apply to politics too. There is about a hundred million of us that want these TRAITOROUS BASTARDS broke, locked up, or swinging at the end of a rope!

  6. Two things that I have not seen an answer for. Why were the dem senators that are running for President not required to recuse themselves from the vote? Why was the treaty between the US and Ukraine pledging cooperation in criminal corruption cases not used to help defend President Trump?

  7. Joe6 & ROWW — For the same reason they didn’t allow the Exec to field his own witnesses and showcased impeachment-friendly witness clips to the senators. This was no trial, it was pure politics. There should never have been an impeachment trial at all. That is the everlasting shame on the senate for allowing it in the first place. They should have refused the so-called Impeachment Managers entry to the Senate and they should have set then all down and explained for the umpteenth time why their “impeachment” was illegal on its face. Pelosi has no unilateral authority under the Constitution or under any House rules to authorize an impeachment proceeding. The impeachment committee had no authority to issue supoenas (or however it’s spelled). The so-called impeachment managers had no authority to issue articles of impeachment.

  8. I so enjoyed listening to POTUS Trump today. I do get bored of his rote stump speeches — I can recite all the stats in my sleep, now.

    Today he seemed like the guy I imagine in the West Wing. Lot’s of jokes, smiles, a few insider nods and winks to people in the audience. I love it when he calls his children and his wife “honey” in public. It comes to him naturally in the same way he gives enthusiastic praise for the people who perform well. It’s no mystery why his kids and everyone in his orbit say they love the guy so much and are so fiercely loyal to him. Look at that old, jaded pol, Grassley! He got to his feet wearing the pleased grin of a 1st grader who just got his first gold star; basking in the sunshine of Trump’s high praise and friendly ribbing. He felt very special.

    Whether he learned it from his parents, I don’t know, but Trump’s got the key to winning friends and influencing people, though he is so natural at it that I doubt it’s something he read in a motivational book.

    He may be a tough cookie, but at bottom Our Man Trump is a good man. And that makes me grateful to God.

  9. AA
    Such an awesome press conference. Trump unchained and off the hook. Trump does nothing with out an expressed purpose. Today he interjected color and contrast into an image that is two confusing and opaque for most voters to see. Interesting how the MSM has labeled it as a profanity laced rant.

  10. BB – And lucky for us watching, it was NOT a press conference. He did that on purpose. It was his and his peoples’ Day of Jubilee.

    And the profanity? They must be mad because they were the target of all of it! haahah! What they did was bullsh*t. And if the poo fits, wear it!

  11. AA

    LOL, I personally use the word Bull Shit on an average of every 27 second. That’s part of his attraction to us Blue Collar folks. He talks like we do. Truly sent by God for this epic battle. I understand this guy more and more every time he opens his mouth. And he is just so damn impressive.

  12. I thought it was funny at the National Prayer Breakfast when he first spoke of Romney and Pelosi, although not by name.
    Then I loved every minute of his high noon words.

    Speaking of Romney, I saw a clip of him tonight giving his speech on the Senate floor and while he was looking down I noticed something I’ve never noticed before, he looks like a baboon.

  13. ORWW — haha! Yes, he does! Romney should have figuratively pushed away from the keyboard! It’s not often we know the exact moment in time that marks the twilight of our careers, and Romney can’t help but know it was right around 2/5/20.

  14. AA,
    Something good that might come out of it is I’m reading the Indian immigrant bill Lee has been pushing was hurt by Romney’s vote. I guess Utah voters that thought their senior Senator was perfect got a little ticked off when he defended Romney for voting for witnesses and then took off their rose colored glasses and are pissed at him and others in government who want Indian immigrants over their college graduates. Along with he’s going to have a hard time working on anything with Romney now.

    I see the truth in the stories just by how he’s doing his best to distant himself from Romney now.

    Romney is now going to be the school tattletale who eats lunch by himself. No Republican is going to want to be seen with him and democrats only pretended that he was the cool kid to get what they wanted. Just like the kids in school who use the tattletale when it’s convenient for them.


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