Trump considering push for special prosecutor to investigate Hunter Biden: Report – IOTW Report

Trump considering push for special prosecutor to investigate Hunter Biden: Report

Washington Examiner-

President Trump is reportedly considering a move that would bring scrutiny to Hunter Biden’s business dealings.

Trump has consulted chief of staff Mark Meadows, White House counsel Pat Cipollone, and others about potentially having a special prosecutor investigate the younger Biden’s tax records, according to a report from the Associated Press.

The president is reportedly considering options that include pressuring incoming acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen to appoint a special counsel or replacing Rosen with someone willing to carry out his wishes. Trump has even asked his lawyers, including Rudy Giuliani, to investigate whether he has the power to appoint a special counsel single-handedly to do the job, according to the report.

Trump is also reportedly considering a special prosecutor to investigate unsubstantiated claims of national voter fraud, even though the Justice Department announced it had “not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election.” more

20 Comments on Trump considering push for special prosecutor to investigate Hunter Biden: Report

  1. I think Trump should leave Hunter hang for now and focus on the crooked election.

    If Trump gets his win back, he can let the hungry wolves have at it with Hunter until nature plays its end game.

  2. “Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe is considering not signing an intelligence report to Congress if it does not accurately reflect an ongoing debate among intelligence community career analysts over Chinese attempts to influence American voters”

    If there’s not an ongoing debate it’s because the evidence is absolutely conclusive, and the entire deep state is implicated.

  3. joe6pak

    Joe6, I read an article about a week ago the proclaimed China’s ideal US Government Treasonous piece of shits were non elected Government Officials. Gee, imagine that. Pay them off for two years, black mail their asses for the rest of their career.

  4. joe6pak
    I think they would have to Pink Mist them. Which I’m fine with. That’s where all the crooked FBI,DOJ,CIA go to hide and still collect a damn paycheck.
    You and I have spoken about this before. Right now I’m really wishing Rick Grennel was calling the shots.

  5. @Joe6pak

    Joe, I think it should go way beyond that. Addressing Chinese influence is good, but fraud, cheating, and lying about a federal election by internal actors is where the meat is. Someone should point Ratcliffe in the right direction and kick him in the pants.

  6. You know I read a lot of people, good conservatives, blaming Trump for not stopping what he knew was going to transpire during this election. What they are unaware of is they would not be totally AWARE, and enlightened now.

  7. ” on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election.”

    What do Hillary, Gore and Kerry have in common?

    They are the only three Democrats that cheated just enough to lose in a presidential election.

  8. Why would there even be a question about it? He either has an investigation by a special prosecuter that can’t be fired by Biden Sr or he skips away free to continue selling us out.

  9. “…I read a lot of people, good conservatives, blaming Trump for not stopping what he knew was going to transpire during this election.”

    That seems to be all the rage among the nevertrumps, weak sisters and concede trolls. Anywhere else but election 2020, blaming the victim is reprehensible to these people. Phukkemol

  10. Trump: “..oh. Oh my GOD nO. Rudy! Rudy, they’re gonna give Hunter Biden an art show- an art show! Can you believe it? How terrible would that be? I can’t let this happen, it’s so blatantly a fraud, a front, it’s gotta stop.

    …And besides, you SAW Hunter’s laptop. He can’t draw. Not even a tiny little bit. It’s just bad.”

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