Trump Continues To Remake The Federal Judiciary – IOTW Report

Trump Continues To Remake The Federal Judiciary

DC: President Donald Trump submitted another slate of judicial nominees to Senate Thursday, naming candidates to the powerful federal appeals courts based in Washington, D.C., and San Francisco, Calif.

The White House announced that Trump has named Gregory Katsas to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, the nation’s second most powerful judicial panel, and Ryan Bounds to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the West Coast appeals court and primary antagonist of the early days of the Trump presidency.

Katsas’ nomination was widely expected. He currently serves as deputy White House Counsel and has played a major role in the administration’s early judicial nominations. Before entering government service he practiced in the Washington offices of Jones Day, a white-shoe practice intimately connected to Trump from the earliest days of the campaign. Katsas is a seasoned appellate practitioner, and clerked on the Supreme Court for Justice Clarence Thomas after graduating Harvard Law School.


8 Comments on Trump Continues To Remake The Federal Judiciary

  1. Whatever the shit-storm from the media follows, I just remember, it’s one more decision Hillary Clinton didn’t get to make. Especially the Supreme Court! Whew! That must have STUNG like a motherf***a!

  2. A wall, would be nice.
    Tax relief, would be nice.
    Better health care, would be nice.
    Beefing up immigration laws and enforcement, would be nice.
    Fixing the Judicial branch is necessary and a priority, in my book.
    THIS is why I’m so glad for President Trump.
    I like typing, President Trump, for some reason.

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