Trump crashes NJ wedding reception – IOTW Report

Trump crashes NJ wedding reception

American Mirror: Wedding guests were shocked when President Trump walked into a reception being held in Bedminster, New Jersey on Saturday night.

But perhaps they shouldn’t have been too surprised, as Trump owns the resort.

Video obtained by CNN shows the president walking into the room and greeting the bride as stunned attendees looked on.


8 Comments on Trump crashes NJ wedding reception

  1. First, if one belongs to a Trump Family owned country club, or one holds an event in a Trump Family owned resort, you are supporting our fascist president!!

    Second, owner or not (and notwithstanding he is our current president,) TRUMP DOES NOT HAVE A RIGHT to intrude on someone’s wedding just because “he wants to inspect the property at that moment” UNLESS “unscheduled managerial inspection” is specifically in your signed agreement. You, the client, pay an enormous amount for a wedding and the reception venue is one of the biggest expenses!!

    Personally, I would REFUSE allowing him in to interrupt my family and friends.

    More than likely these are TRUMP campaign donars and general Trump supporters who sent @realDonaldTrump an invite. They may have had no expectation he would accept, NOR make an appearance. But if they were large campaign contributors, they WOULD expect @POTUS to be there!

    Either way, as “Trumpeteers” they would welcome Trump with open arms especially hoping he gets good press for a change of pace (note there WERE some members of the PRESS there for the PHOTO-OPPORTUNITY!)
    As a bonus, they supporters get wedding photos of themselves with the president (they likely elected and support)!

    Although many presidents have crashed events over the centuries for publicity or to thank supporters or both, we all know TRUMP has but a single motivation: TRUMP’ST OWN SELF INTEREST!
    He likely thinks this will boost demand & rental prices at his resort if the idiotic public thinks “hey, if I book my event there, maybe the president will stop by so I can get a photo-op with him”.
    After all, a REAL (non-photoshop overlay) photo of the president with a person is usually good to hang in your home and/or office for prestige and as conversion starters. In business, presidential photos usually indicate trustworthiness and leadership potential giving automatic respect, easing business negotiations and for those seeking
    upper level managerial promotions.

    But this is just the opinion of your alien creator and keeper, whom is tiring of the his own galactic terrarium! You humans are not boring like the giant reptiles were (think of the “sea monkeys” sold in the rear your “children’s comic books”,) but your lack of concern for your planet and your fellow inhabitants is constantly overlooked whilst you feed your own egos! I am unhappy as itis hat is overwhelmingly disrespectful and distasteful. This is offensive to me.😈
    Maybe I will adjust your sun to blast intense sunspots that will wipe out your satellite system.Then flick a large asteroid at Earth to a restart life as I did with those giant boring reptiles.You called them dinosaurs.
    Well, I will take a little time to think this over. Think about YOUR CHOICES, while I think about mine.😎

  2. “Maybe I will adjust your sun to blast intense sunspots that will wipe out your satellite system.”

    Not the only thing you’ve said that hints you live in another reality. To paraphrase a more famous quote: You believe in so many things that are just not so.

    BTW, You could sign under the name Liberal Larry and no one would be able to tell the difference between you and that parody poster.

    We’ve been laughing at you long before you tried your hand at being hip-to-da-truth-of-it-all – with your very own, special, psychotic spin to it, of course.

    Please do carry on. We need the laugh.

  3. @Alien: “Although many presidents have crashed events over the centuries for publicity or to thank supporters or both, we all know TRUMP has but a single motivation: TRUMP’ST OWN SELF INTEREST!”

    You mean like the Honolulu wedding Obozo ruined so he could play golf? Yeah, that wasn’t self interest. Go fuck yourself, Troll.

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