Trump criticizes Washington for wanting additional $40B for Ukraine, says make Europeans pay more – IOTW Report

Trump criticizes Washington for wanting additional $40B for Ukraine, says make Europeans pay more


Former President Trump on Thursday criticized a request by President Biden for an additional $40 billion in aid to Ukraine that is now working its way through Congress.

“Why are we giving more than 40 billion to Ukraine while Europe by comparison is giving very little, and they are getting more impacted by a Russian invasion, obviously, than the US,” Trump posted on the social media platform Truth.

The additional money will go toward helping Ukraine defend against Russia’s months-long invasion.

Biden’s requested spending package on Wednesday passed in the House and now goes to the Senate.  more

7 Comments on Trump criticizes Washington for wanting additional $40B for Ukraine, says make Europeans pay more

  1. That “War” is Erasing all the physical evidence of Democrat Corruption in the Ukraine quite nicely & conveniently for Biden, Romney, Barky, Clinton(s) etc.

  2. Remember: out of 40 billion, about HALF is going to come back into Biden’s, Pelosi’s, Schumer’s, Kerry’s, all democrat’s, most GOPe’s and every union’s pockets.

  3. Rand Paul stopped this shit show in it’s tracks today. I imagine eventually they’ll get it through. But Rand Paul’s a patriot. The amount of GOP that voted for this is ridiculous. They need to lose their jobs. Fast.

  4. This additional 40B is ridiculous . But I’ll tell you what…if the dust clears and anything is left standing , no American should need a visa to travel to any E.U / NATO country a U.S. passport should get you in without stay restrictions . We’ve been paying the lion’s share of NATO for too long . I don’t want to go , but for what we’ve put into Europe we ought to be visa free to travel.

  5. No price is TOO great (for we the taxpayers) to pay to cover up the crminal shenanigans & money-laundering of the Biteme crime family syndicate in Ukraine!!!


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