Trump Crushes It During Testimony – IOTW Report

Trump Crushes It During Testimony

Trump Crushes It During Testimony, Calls Out Stalinist AG Letitia James: “She is a Political Hack Who Wants to be Governor. This is a Political Witch Hunt and I Think She Should be Ashamed of Herself.”

GP: Former President Donald Trump took the stand to defend himself against allegations of financial misrepresentation by Stalinist AG Letitia James in New York City. The atmosphere was tense, with Judge Engoran frequently intervening to keep the proceedings on track.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, wacky Judge Arthur Engoron lectured President Trump for delivering speeches during questioning.

Engoron is very upset that President Trump is able to freely speak during his trial.

According to reports, Engoron repeatedly attacked President Trump for his long-winded answers to questions about his highly successful international business. New York Attorney General Letitia James is hoping to pilfer $250 million from the Trump family for her ridiculous claims that the Trump organization was overvaluing their assets. The court has failed to prove this during the show trial. MORE

See Also:
Trump Attorney Alina Habba Goes Off on Soros-Backed Letitia James and Judge Engoron in Bogus Trial: “I Was Yelled At and I’ve Had a Judge Who Is Unhinged Slamming a Table…
I Won’t Tolerate It” (VIDEO).

22 Comments on Trump Crushes It During Testimony

  1. Estimates of value are, like appraisals, just estimates. Despite what the liberals will tell you, the price of anything is the amount a willing buyer, not under duress, will pay for something from a willing seller, also not under duress. Trump’s documentation, like all other documentation from anyone else, contains disclaimers that buyers should perform their own due diligence. James and the judge are trying to find Trump guilty of fraud based on estimates that may or may not be accurate reflections of a true price, and in fact may actually too low in some cases.

    This proceeding is a joke. There is credible evidence that the sitting President received enormous amounts of money from foreign interests interested in obtaining his access and influence. His son acted as a go-between and bagman. The AG is likely complicit in covering up Biden’s acts. We have Biden ON TAPE bragging about how a Ukrainian prosecutor was fired when Biden threatened to withhold a billion dollars in aid while Biden was Vice-President. And the result of this is…nothing.

    This is an obvious political witch hunt, and it’s difficult to take the allegations against Trump seriously in these circumstances.

  2. “This country is falling apart. And if we don’t stop corruption in courtrooms where attorneys are gagged, where attorneys are not allowed to say what they need to say to protect their clients’ interests, it doesn’t matter what your politics are.”

    “Everyone has a right in this country to get up and put a defense. I don’t care who you are. You have a right to hire a lawyer who can put objections on the record. You have a right to hire a lawyer who can stand up and say something when they see something wrong.”

    What offends The Party more than anything is that Donald Trump just might end the corruption.

  3. “Estimates of value are, like appraisals, just estimates”

    And, any lending institution has an officer approve and sign off on those appraisals. Where’s the crime? Who was financially damaged. These people need to pay for what they are doing.

  4. It’s hard to believe what is going on here. This is not something that happens in America. But then, this is Obama’s third term and that cocksucker is the devil incarnate.

  5. Judge Crypt-Keeper is no longer sporting that butterteeth rictus grin. In fact, he seems like he’s sitting on serious hemorrhoids. Somebody please hand him the Preparation H and put his name on the list of pompous fools who underestimated PDT.

  6. Con the Don what himself? Crushes it oh please. America’s number one grifter & con man only showed what he is. A total POS loser. 250 mill not enough, should take EVERYTHING this grifter conned. Daddy I need my daddy.

  7. ^^^^^^ looks like someone is a tad bit worried

    besides, “American’s number one grifter & con man” today resides in the White House
    & who needs $250 mill when you can launder billions thru a ‘democracy’ run by a guy that plays the piano w/ his weiner & calls off elections?

  8. Worried, hell no. If they claim stupidity in court shit that always twerks, right? I know nuttin. Kicked outta business, but hey otherwise have a great day. Just like he conned all those charities now the rest is just following suit, enjoy, I will.

  9. ^^^^^ no, there ain’t “some oil fields nearby that make it worth somtin” …. ’cause your boy shut ’em all down

    “the ‘lady’ doth protest too much methinks”

    oh, & ….. “praise the Lord”

  10. ^^^^^^. Obviously the banks. Did Trump International default? No. Where’s the injured party in this law suit? Who’s the victim? Did the banks make money? Yes. Did Trump international execute? Yes. I can’t even believe these people took this to trial. They’re as dumb as that judge looks

  11. Specifically-who was the individual who signed off on the loan? Who took responsibility and said that they did their own due diligence? It is not the “Bank,” but an individual at the bank. A loan officer. I want a name.


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