Trump debuts in new online territory, and the left’s not happy about it – IOTW Report

Trump debuts in new online territory, and the left’s not happy about it


President Trump has sent the left into a tailspin over what they see as his invasion of the video-streaming giant, Twitch.

Trump’s Thursday night rally in Minneapolis, Minnesota was live-streamed using the Amazon-owned platform, following in the footsteps of other presidential candidates and politicians.

The site was originally a platform for users to stream themselves playing video games but has grown to include other interests, such as politically directed content, in an effort to reach the younger, tech-savvy audience. Trump has now joined Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Andrew Yang on Twitch where they have held question and answer sessions with users. read more

10 Comments on Trump debuts in new online territory, and the left’s not happy about it

  1. Trump is truly a leader for our times.

    Considering all the crap and delusional beliefs about him he continues to excite, delight, and inspire what I feel must be millions of quiet Americans and others of like mind around the world.

  2. Note to the left: We don’t care what makes you happy. In fact, if you’re for it we are almost certain to be against it. Ergo, the more miserable you are the better it is for us and for the country in general.

  3. Good for him! Some of those gamer geeks like to separate from the crowd. What’s more counter culture than being a Trump supporter.

    No one likes the Borg. It’s better to be a Picard.

  4. The entertainment (from which to me, not ever give a chod concerning politics) this POTUS has given me is priceless!
    Love watching him making politicians (all sides) fowl themselves is just been just amazing. He’s been bringing out the RINO childish bullshit that has only always been partnered with the Dems, playing Good Guy, Bad guy, that was the set-up from the start. The MSM will make sure that that never happens but have enjoyed his saying what he will do and tries. Hoping for a 2016 again,,
    Than a real clean up act,,,


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