Trump declares victory in Pennsylvania, Georgia, and North Carolina – IOTW Report

Trump declares victory in Pennsylvania, Georgia, and North Carolina


Kayleigh McEnany has just announced that President Trump claims a victory in the battleground state of Pennsylvania, which would give him 20 more electoral votes.

Shortly after McEnany shared her tweet claiming the state for Trump, Twitter added a label to the tweet saying that “Official sources may not have called the race when this was tweeted.”

Trump also claimed Georgia and North Carolina as victories for his campaign, saying “We have claimed, for Electoral Vote purposes, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (which won’t allow legal observers) the State of Georgia, and the State of North Carolina, each one of which has a BIG Trump lead. Additionally, we hereby claim the State of Michigan if, in fact,….

The Trump campaign gave a press conference in Philadelphia on Wednesday afternoon, and this, and their efforts to obtain recounts in other tightly contested states, was the topic of that conference.

Pennsylvania has been contested, and Governor Tom Wolf had assured Pennsylvanians that every vote would be counted. It was on November 3 that he told voters that they should not expect a final result from Pennsylvania until after election day. read more

13 Comments on Trump declares victory in Pennsylvania, Georgia, and North Carolina

  1. There are LEGAL QUALIFICATIONS to become a US President.
    Among them, age, birthplace, and NOT to be a felon.

    Please President Trump, shitcan your AG, and appoint one that will indict Joe “Career Criminal” Biden with THE felony, the one that requires capital punishment: Treason–he sold out his country!!!

    Who will accept this child-molesting, lifelong thief, as their POTUS ??? NOT ME!

  2. Also, they need to keep Chris Christie away from the White House.
    He’s the fat piece of shit that recommended Christopher Wray and some other asshole as a fed judge. Roll that big oily bastard in Panko and push his ass into the Atlantic.

  3. He needs to also claim victory in Wisconsin.
    Voter participation rates from 85% to 95 % is suspicious. Participation rates over 100% and as high as 201% is well beyond suspicious.

  4. MJA, I heard Jeffy Sessions foisted Chris Wray on Trump. If so, I wonder who duped Jeffy into touting Wray to Trump.

    Foist, Dupe & Tout…Sounds like a deep state law firm. That Wray would be a partner in.

  5. Trump may be driven from the White House by this motherfucking farce of an election, but it is now fully known that our country is under the thumb of a corrupt, globalist cabal and that damn near everything we’re told is a fucking lie and virtually everything that will happen under a Biden administration will be to fuck average Americans in the ass, including the stupid fucktards who actually voted for that dirty fucking asshole Biden.

    And… oh yeah… Fuck Fox News!

  6. Trump declared victory in America in 2017, and proved it with results.

    America is too stupid to accept that victory.

    51% of America are media maggots too lazy to think.

    So, Fuck em all, let em rot. I pity my kids and grandkids, but fuck em all. I have enough supplies to ignore the coming clown show and survive. I might even take a couple with me.

    I’d rather see this country dissolve in flames than languish in a slow socialist cancer.

    dRats, burn in hell. I’ll be there to harass you then, too.

  7. Respectfully.

    I know it is hard and I know the words better than most… still I respectfully request you consider refraining from the use of foul English to describe the enemies of Liberty.. Turn your righteous indignation into power (Lawful Political/Social action) and profitable discussions ..not steam _.. Let US Keep with God’s ways and teachings.. and humbly pray he will keep with US.

    “But Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing judgment, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.”


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