Trump Demands Apology From NBC, Lawrence “stop the hammering” O’Donnell, Over Unverified Report— Threatens Legal Action – IOTW Report

Trump Demands Apology From NBC, Lawrence “stop the hammering” O’Donnell, Over Unverified Report— Threatens Legal Action

Epoch Times: President Donald Trump’s lawyer issued a notice to NBCUniversal over a report made by host Lawrence O’Donnell, who admitted on-air that the information he shared was not verified.

Charles Harder of Harder LLP—which has won a string of cases for Trump and First Lady Melania Trump, including millions of dollars from the Daily Mail and the dismissal of pornographic film actress Stormy Daniels’s lawsuit against the president—sent the letter to lawyers representing NBC Universal.

Lawrence O’Donnell, host of MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” appeared on Rachel Maddow’s show on Aug. 27 and made an explosive claim he acknowledged was thinly sourced. He said that Trump obtained loans from a bank and that the loans were co-signed by Russians.

“I may have some information, in this next hour, which would add a great deal to their understanding of that, if true, and I’ll be discussing it here,” O’Donnell said.

“I stress ‘if true,’ because this is a single source who has told me that Deutsche Bank obtained tax returns.”

O’Donnell later said: “I stress ‘if true’” again and repeated that the claim was sourced from a single person who he did not name.

He added later that the claim would “need a lot more verification before that can be a confirmable fact.”

The unverified report is the latest in a slew of reports claiming Trump is close with Russia that have later turned out to be false. Ratings for MSNBC have dropped dramatically since special counsel Robert Mueller announced earlier this year his team couldn’t establish collusion between Trump and Russia, puncturing a conspiracy theory that was heavily promoted by a number of networks, including MSNBC and NBC News.

In the letter to the company, Harder wrote: “These statements are false and defamatory and extremely damaging. The only borrowers under these loans are Trump entities and Mr. Trump is the only guarantor.”

“Numerous documents for each of these loans are also recorded, publicly available and searchable online. Thus, actual malice can easily be proven based on your reckless disregard of the truth and unreasonable reliance on an alleged ‘source’ who you will not even identify in your story and likely is seeking to mislead you and the public for political reasons or other ulterior motives,” he continued.

“Demand is hereby made that Mr. O’Donnell and NBCU immediately and prominently retract, correct, and apologize for the aforementioned false and defamatory statements,” he said.

Harder demanded that NBC Universal confirm in writing within 24 hours that it would take the requested action on the report. more here

19 Comments on Trump Demands Apology From NBC, Lawrence “stop the hammering” O’Donnell, Over Unverified Report— Threatens Legal Action

  1. I heard that Larry sucks donkey dicks — this is not verifiable at this point in time — but we will try AND verify this, if true. And if true, and verifiable, then we can try AND say that this astofore aspersion, excuse me, I mean dispersion, is, in fact a verifiable fact. At this point in time.

  2. ” there … needs to be a solid basis for believing it is true. Otherwise, pure speculation and wishful thinking takes the place of news reporting.”

    … for the last 3 years! … & counting

  3. I have a source who heard from an acquaintance that the FBI has evidence that Lawrence O’Donnell is a kiddie raping puppy killer. Now, my source hasn’t seen this evidence, but none of us has seen any evidence that the charges are not true.

  4. OMG! Just heard from a reliable source that Lawrence O’Donnell was f’ing his dogs up the ass! No really, this is just coming in, he likes dogs! True because I got it from a “Reliable Source”! 🙂

  5. ***Breaking News***

    (AP) New York – Authorities report that NBC News’ offices in New York have vanished in what police are describing as a mysterious flash of light. It’s not known if anyone was in the NBC building at the time. And strangely, people near the scene report their watches and cell phone clocks were reset to 42 minutes later during the flash in an apparent ‘lost time’ incident. Physicists claim that this can only happen in a mega-quantum-entaglement event of immense proportions similar to the 1908 Tunguska mega explosion in Russia.

    “It’s some kind of QUANTUM BOMB! It’s Trump and the Russians! I’m telling you! People need to get out of New York! Get out! Get out of there!” reported Larry McDonnell, a bystander who claims to have seen it happen. “One minute I was in the building, and the next I’m standing outside wondering who the hell I am! Everything’s different! Like, my driver’s license says my name is McDonnell! But it’s O’Donnell! I swear! See, look here!” Police and paramedics were later seen talking to McDonnell and then escorting him from the scene.

    In Washington, President Trump is reportedly following the situation closely and admits to having all the White House clocks checked for accuracy after hearing of the incident. “They’re all fine.” he said, smiling broadly at an unnamed NBC reporter. I think this could be another example of fake NBC news. We all know they’re fake. Real fake. It’s sad. Very sad.” However, apparently, the unnamed NBC reporter and his camera crew never checked out of the White House, and now their whereabouts are unknown as well.

  6. An apology?
    R U shittin me?

    This guy did this with malice aforethought.
    He concocted a vicious lie that he knew would travel around the world before anyone countered it.

    If these clowns don’t have to pay for their transgressions they don’t give a fuck. He (and the parent company) will do it again within a week. He should be banned from TV – forever. He’s a proven liar – a disreputable piece of shit.
    (in my opinion)

    izlamo delenda est …


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