Trump Denies Mike Tyson Is Rapist – IOTW Report

Trump Denies Mike Tyson Is Rapist

WeeklyStandard: On Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace asked Donald Trump about Ted Cruz making Mike Tyson’s endorsement of Trump into a campaign issue.

“The Cruz campaign is making an issue of your support for Mike Tyson back during the time of the rape conviction in 1992. Your reaction to that?”

“It just shows what a liar he is,” replied Trump. “So, Mike Tyson over the Internet endorsed me. He said, ‘I endorse Mr. Trump.’ He said that. That was it. No big deal, I didn’t have a meeting or anything, I haven’t seen Mike in years, but he said he endorsed me. So, Cruz is now saying, ‘oh, he was a rapist.’ This guy is a real liar. That’s why we call him Lyin’ Ted Cruz. I mean, the greatest liar that I’ve ever lived, except he gets caught every time.”  Article Here

52 Comments on Trump Denies Mike Tyson Is Rapist

  1. Nowhere in his statement did Trump say Tyson was not a rapist. He said Cruz was a liar, but he did not say specifically that he was lying about Tyson being a rapist. Conclusions must not be jumped here.


  2. Dapenguin, you can see Trump’s policy plans at his website, by listening to his rally speeches, and also the policy speech he gave last week. But I can tell from your comment that you haven’t been interested in finding out what exactly his policies are – apparently so you that you can bitch about it.

    Furthermore, Cruz has been plaigiarizing his “policy” views from Trump throughout his whole campaign.

    What are Cruz’s policy and plans to fix anything?

  3. The choice is clear! Jerry Manderin stands with child molesters, rapists, and Donald Trump!

    “We’re clutching at straws
    We’re still drowning
    Clutching at straws
    We’re still drowning…”~Marillion

  4. NO, Menderman, we Trump supporters
    are simply fed up with
    the constant barrage of insinuated lies
    and smears from some Cruz supporters.

    It IS, however, a GREAT FERTILIZER for snark!

  5. For a guy who is such a master of delegate-sniffing and other esoteric primary election knowledge, Cruz sure does seem to be obtuse about the current battlefield. Pissy little “gotcha” attacks don’t work on Trump. Especially “racist” and “rapist” insinuations.

    Hillary has made hay out of the “Woman Card” for a week now. No mention of Rapey Tyson from her camp, though. Wonder why not?

  6. Here is the exact question:
    “The Cruz campaign is making an issue of your support for Mike Tyson back during the time of the rape conviction in 1992. Your reaction to that?”

    I see no discussion or proof that Trump supported Tyson back in 1992. And if Trump did give some level of support, back then, what kind of support was it? Was it a wish for good luck in prison? A denial of any rape? Not clear here. Was Cruz lying about what kind of support Trump might have given in 1992 – if any?

    I do not see Trump denying the rape now.

  7. trump still using obama’s play book, if you aren’t truthful call everybody else a liar. Repeat the lie long enough it’ll have an impact.

    Tyson, dennis rodman and bruce (pervert) jenner now a part of the trump brain trust, right along with planned parenthood.
    The brain trust must be morally bankrupt.

    trumps devolution is disheartening.

  8. B…buuu…buuut…ThirdTwin, don’tcha know:
    Cruz is GOOD, and Trump is EEEEVIL!!!
    …’cuz the Travelling Revival Tent Preacher

    His dad has now gone FULL HOLY ROLLER:

    …and THAT, on top of Glenn Beck’s
    (SEE LINK at my 12:03pm post)
    “Come To Jay-Sus!” call.

    His campaign has really morphed into FARCE.

  9. Trump self-centered, self-gratifying egotistical blowhard who is not nearly as bright and successful as he wants people to believe (and people are believing it) and when this guy turns out to be God’s gift to the Democrats I certainly hope the people supporting him, making excuse after excuse for his behaviour, statements and actions will realize what a mistake they have made. Trump will be the one who turned this race into internal blood feuds between conservatives that will never end and will be responsible for Hillary getting elected in November. Hillary may be hated by a lot of Democrats but the one thing you can say for them is that when the election is on the line they come together for whoever their candidate is.

    Having said that maybe I shouldn’t cast stones as we Canadians, ignoring all the evidence, ignoring as well as all the facts and the history decided to elected Justin Trudeau who may actually turn out to be worse then his father. This child is possibly the most left, progressive leader this country has ever seen and is arguably worse then any of the US Presidential candidates. We threw away all the common-sense we had and elected an cool image (just like we did with his father) and a guy that was going to give us free stuff. Idiots.

  10. So do all you Trumpetts on IOTW, if I were to produce a video of Trump abusing puppies, would you attack whomever produced the video or better yet, decide that it was ok to abuse puppies? That is the real problem I am having here is that you will support whatever trump says and attack anyone that dares speak against him. You used to like Shapiro and Levin and Limbaugh and …. now you attack them as being idiots and instead stand on the side of little annie and Sean and gateway pundit and the conservative nuthouse. In some scary ways, you are starting to act like the Obama fans in 2008. For the Country’s sake, I really hope trump is not the nominee because I am genuinely worried about what he will really do once in office, assuming he can beat shillary.

  11. All future presidents have issues. all future presidents get gotcha question. All future presidents get nick picking questions and pure unadulterated BS. Get used to President Trump. It may be difficult for some of you, but if i had to get used to President Bush and this current dickwad, you can too.

  12. Dapenguin – what you just said is what is called transferrence – b/c that is exactly what the cruzbots do with cruz. Cruz cannot win against HilLIARy. And no matter how much cruz proves every day what a liar and cheater he is – you absolutely refuse to see it.

    IF cruz won – which he won’t – he would be about as effective as hillary – meaning both of them are in for themselves and the NWO – neither of them giving a sh*t about the American people.

  13. “The Cruz campaign is making an issue of your support for Mike Tyson back during the time of the rape conviction in 1992. Your reaction to that?”

    This is the actual question. So, Trump said something in support of tyson back in 1992, perhaps going on the innocent until proven guilty theory? What did he say? Did he put money on his books? WHO THE FUCK CARES? If tyson says he supports Trump, how the hell can he control that? And cruz is a lying shitweasel and he’s not eligible. Open up your records, you crapfuck canuck.

  14. Trump tried to mediate be Tyson and the woman he was CONVICTED of raping. He tried to arrange a financial settlement from Tyson and get the charges dropped so that Tyson could fight at Trump’s casino, thereby helping bail Trump out of his pending bankruptcy. Trump was roundly criticized for his actions and dropped the effort. he has a history of looking the other way at rape.

  15. @Gladys, I cho ose Cruz because he is the best of what we have left. I cast my first prez vote for Reagan and have never had any choice nearly as good since. But I am very very concerned whenever anyone starts putting one of these guys on a pedestal. Some people on your side are doing that with Trump. You attack everyone that dares brings out his warts and insult any conservative that dares speak against him. You really need to assess this situation. If Shapiro and Levin and Limbaugh are uneasy or even Anti Trump, should be really ignore them? Trump is a new comer at best to the conservative side and these guys are stalwart conservatives with a proven track record. Perhaps you should listen to them!!

  16. Cruz is a total POS….so question now becomes..when will Teddie abandon the sinking ship of his campaign, like the RAT HE IS..? Recognition will soon cross his pea-sized brain…”I am about to lose my Senate seat…oh HOLY SHIT!!” yeah, We Texans are getting our bellies full of this crapped up Cruz! If the GOP doesn’t pull the plug and get someone else to run, the Dhimmos will get the Senate seat. I will not vote for GOP or Dhimmo…both suck the green weenie. I will vote for the best person for the job, thoroughly vetted (and the spouse) which apparently got overlooked in Mz Goldman Sachs Heidi.

  17. TO Jerry Manderin

    Ahh…but that was BEFORE he and Daily Wire got bought out and he was handed new marching orders.

    It must be tough being an educated, wealthy, young guy who has to follow orders.

    I feel for the guy. Tough life. (/s)

  18. That video is being called one of the worst decisions Ted Cruz has made during his campaign. Very very poor decision making. He got owned by some nobody in a crowd of Trump supporters. Why would he confront them. That was a classic Glen Beck move right there.

  19. Oh. Got it. Cruz walked over to a trump supporter to have a civil discussion about policy, and Cruz is dumb. It matters none that the Trump supporters were screaming to disrupt his rally.

    I got it now! Fuck Cruz the Canadian!!!!! Wall! Wall, Wall, Wall!!!

    Fuck Cruz!

    Yeah…those punch-able faces sure did own lyin’ ted……

    Brad, if you appreciate that behavior, you are a lost cause.

  20. I would have attended the event I was there for and ignored them. Like he’s done a bazillion times before he decided to immerse himself in an event with no script. Dumb move. If Trump did it it would be a dumb move.

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