Trump denies possession of nuclear documents, suggests FBI planted Washington Post story – IOTW Report

Trump denies possession of nuclear documents, suggests FBI planted Washington Post story

Just The News

Former President Donald Trump on Friday pointedly denied still possessing classified documents about nuclear weapons after a Washington Post article suggested that was what FBI agents were searching for in his home.

He compared the article to leaks during the 2016 election of the now-discredited Steele dossier.

Trump wrote on his social media app Truth Social, “Nuclear weapons issue is a Hoax, just like Russia, Russia, Russia was a Hoax, two Impeachments were a Hoax, the Mueller investigation was a Hoax, and much more.”

“Same sleazy people involved,” he added, referring to some of the top appointees at the DOJ and FBI. “Why wouldn’t the FBI allow the inspection of areas at Mar-a-Lago with our lawyer’s [sic], or others present. Made them wait outside in the heat, wouldn’t let them get even close — said ‘ABSOLUTELY NOT.'”

Trump further suggested that information may have been leaked to the media in order to portray him in a negative light following the raid.

“Planting information anyone? Reminds me of a Christofer [sic] Steele Dossier!” wrote Trump, referring to the debunked opposition research report that alleged collusion between Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Russian government. more here

12 Comments on Trump denies possession of nuclear documents, suggests FBI planted Washington Post story

  1. Breitbart is reporting he is being investigated for espionage. The fix is in. They will perp walk him in October for the pure visual. And it will backfire hugely again.

  2. **He tain’t weaseling his way out of this one.**
    Said Mueller
    Said Schiff
    Said Nadler
    Said Pelosi
    Said Comey
    Said Cheney
    Said Romney
    Said Strzok
    Said Maddow

    **Derpity derp, hoo-hah de doo-dah, where’s my pudding?**
    Said Biden

  3. I understood in 1950 the post put out FAKE NEWS! Samo samo!

    For those <70 their bigotry was that Americans are racist so America is a bad country. Notice any change?

  4. So if he has nuclear documents does that mean he’ll be the one who detonates the false flag weapon in NYC (they keep warning us about?) Will they find Trump’s fingerprints on the nuclear documents after they detonate?

  5. It has taken the FBI two years to conjure up this latest excuse to harass Trump.
    That right there speaks volumes of their incompetence as an investigative agency.

  6. Joe Biden and his entourage of reeking filth are desperately grabbing at their junks and straws in an attempt at a coup against a private citizen whom their deathly afraid of. Federal Bureau of Imagination can’t survive with the black hole of democrats and their collaborators, with the reverse being true also. Funny how the mostly aged-out democrats cling to their “new culture” of FBI nincompoops.

  7. Joe Biden and his entourage of reeking filth are desperately grabbing at their straw-like junks in an attempt at a coup assault against a private citizen whom they’re deathly afraid of. Federal Bureau of Imagination can’t survive with the black hole of democrats and their collaborators, with the reverse being true also. Funny how the mostly aged-out democrats cling to their “new culture” of FBI nincompoops.

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