Trump Derangement Syndrome Will Consume the Democrat Party – IOTW Report

Trump Derangement Syndrome Will Consume the Democrat Party

American Thinker:

Crazy is generally defined as mentally deranged or not mentally sound.  When being mentally deranged, which includes being crazed, insane, demented, unbalanced, and unhinged, is focused on behavior toward President Trump, we see what is commonly called Trump Derangement Syndrome or TDS.  This behavior existed before his election but burst forth into full bloom the evening of November 8, 2016.  Democrats were then, and have been unable to since, accept that their pre-written version of history did not come true and that the basic premise of the inevitability of socialism was false.  They have not reacted well.

Recent events have caused most of the known world, and possibly even some extra-terrestrials, to ask just how crazy the Democratic Party is.  That’s a tough question to answer.  Let’s examine it from both a definitional and a practical perspective.

The American Psychiatric Association has a standard reference manual for identifying and describing mental disorders.  That is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).  In the section on Schizophrenia there should be an open section reserved for Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).  This is a prominent characteristic of many Democratic Party members, liberal media and certainly for elected Democratic officials in D.C.

How do observable behaviors comport with DSM-5?  Let’s see.  They are identifiable by extreme delusions, that is:

  • beliefs that conflict with reality [check],
  • hallucinations, seeing or hearing things that are not real [check],  
  • saying things that may be impossible to understand [check]. 

Additionally, observed behaviors are characterized by:

  • extremely confused thinking [check],
  • bizarre behavior [check], and
  • the inability to initiate plans [check].

So, in definitional terms, Schizophrenic derangement focused at President Trump is what we see with Democrats, in other words, TDS. more here

14 Comments on Trump Derangement Syndrome Will Consume the Democrat Party

  1. Keep in mind that the Democrats went from having no power to control Congress, not even counter control since they could not stop anything, to having complete control of it with the ability to control all legislation and the Republicans having only a degree of counter control as a result of that TDS.

    Don’t dismiss your enemies abilities or you will lose to him.

  2. Crazy is relative.
    Don’t forget that the left is attempting to indoctrinate a whole generation of Shithouse Ratz in our public schools and to them this crazy is normal! Not only that, but those Shithouse Ratz are going to be tough to straighten out than the last generation of Crack babies!

  3. You left out delusion of grandeur. They believe they “are the ones they have been waiting for.” It is mass narcissism run completely wild. Completely unsupported by any tangible evidence, they actually believe themselves born booted and spurred and endowed with an innate higher consciousness… the sonsabitches are all consumed with a collective messiah complex and would make Hitler just a footnote in future history texts if they ever got their way.


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