Trump Directs Officials to Tighten Asylum Rules – IOTW Report

Trump Directs Officials to Tighten Asylum Rules

ET: NEW YORK–President Donald Trump on April 29 ordered executive branch officials to come up with regulations to toughen the asylum system by streamlining court proceedings, requiring fees to apply for asylum, and prohibiting those who enter the country illegally from obtaining work permits.

The order, issued in a presidential memorandum, is the latest effort in a campaign to address the flood of illegal aliens pouring in through the southern border. A large number of aliens claim asylum and are released into the United States.

The proposals Trump called for would significantly change the asylum system. The officials still need to draft the proposed rules, have them approved by the White House, and go through a number of time-consuming regulatory procedures for the changes to take effect.

Trump administration officials blame faulty U.S. asylum laws for encouraging large-scale illegal migration. Under current laws, authorities can hold illegal alien families who claim asylum for only 20 days.

The vast majority of the asylum claims are ultimately deemed meritless. For every 100 aliens claiming a credible fear of persecution, just 12 are eventually granted asylum, according to the White House. Roughly half of those who claim credible fear never actually apply for asylum.

The Proposals

Trump’s memo gives officials from the Justice Department and Department of Homeland Security 90 days to come up with the proposals.

The order calls for setting a fee to file an asylum claim or apply for a work permit. Both the asylum application and the work permit are currently free to file.  more here

5 Comments on Trump Directs Officials to Tighten Asylum Rules

  1. Whatever happened to using the Rex 84 prisons built for this invasion of illegals from Mexico? What is going on is NOT even legal. Trump is so a failure! This means open borders for ALL. The illegals are not being sent back, are not being stopped, and are being dispersed into the US AS IS!

    US builds migrant tent city in Texas as Trump likens treatment to ‘Disneyland’
    US border agency says an influx of arrivals demands more shelter space, prompting Trump’s comment: ‘It’s like Disneyland now
    Edwin Delgado in El Paso
    Mon 29 Apr 2019
    “On 19 April CBP awarded a contract to Deployed Resources LLC of Rome, New York, for the construction of the two temporary facilities being built in El Paso, at the western end of the Texas-Mexico border and Donna, near McAllen, in eastern Texas. The total cost for the construction is valued at $36.9m for a four-month period. CBP has four one-month extension options if deemed necessary, the agency said.”

    ““The federal government has waited too long and this is not a solution, but unfortunately it might be necessary to accommodate everyone that’s coming.
    We have to make sure this is not a place where human rights are violated, as we’ve seen that in these makeshift facilities,”
    Corbett said. He called the tents “a Band-Aid solution”.”

    Pentagon Approves $7.4M for Troops to Feed, Care for Border Crossers
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    Border Patrol releasing thousands who were exposed to diseases like tuberculosis
    Daniel Horowitz · April 30, 2019
    “On Sunday, Aaron Hull, chief patrol agent of the El Paso sector, divulged to the public what we already suspected but most government officials assiduously covered up.
    The head of the second busiest illegal immigration corridor told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo that Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is increasingly “caring for more and more sick people, because a lot of these aliens coming in are carrying contagious health conditions, things like chicken pox, scabies, tuberculosis, lice.”” [Note, also measles]

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