Trump dismantles Obama’s ‘imperial’ presidency, rescinds dubious orders – IOTW Report

Trump dismantles Obama’s ‘imperial’ presidency, rescinds dubious orders



Democrats are attacking President Trump for “dismantling” President Obama’s legacy on everything from Obamacare subsidies to immigration amnesty, but nobody knew better than Mr. Obama how vulnerable his go-it-alone agenda would be if Mr. Trump won the election.

Unable to work with a Republican-led Congress for most of his presidency, Mr. Obama did what he could with his presidential “pen and phone,” issuing executive orders, rules and regulations that in many cases could be overturned by another stroke of the pen — this time by a Republican president. Long before Mr. Obama left office, Republicans were accusing him of overreaching presidential authority, and Mr. Trump was vowing to overturn his unilateral decisions.

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13 Comments on Trump dismantles Obama’s ‘imperial’ presidency, rescinds dubious orders

  1. ROFLMAO, the fix was in, it wasn’t supposed to happen like this.
    The Progs were gobsmacked, using a British colloquialism, that’s where she is, suffering a “broken toe”.
    President Trump
    I just like typing that…

  2. Interesting that Presidents Trump and Obama have something in common, as stated in the article: “Unable to work with a Republican-led Congress for most of his presidency.”

  3. Just before President Trump leaves office and he has throttled the Republican congress to actually represent those who put them into office, he should get congress to add an amendment to the Constitution. It should ban the use of Executive Action to create/amend/remove law or regulations by anyone in the Executive branch. It needs to reaffirm what is considered law and that congress is the only branch able to write and pass them.

    They should also add that it’s is only a member of congress that can write the bills to be voted on by congress, not lobbyists. They also should add that any department of the government must submit ANY of their regulations they want to impose be brought to congress and THEY will pass or reject them.

    Another part of that amendment should address the fact that any court in the United States, and that includes the Supreme Court, may only interpret the constitution; not legislate from the bench.

    Return the original intent of the Constitution as it regards to the powers of each of the three branches of government.

  4. “..but nobody knew better than Mr. Obama how vulnerable his go-it-alone agenda would be if Mr. Trump won the election.”

    Naw. NeverTrumpers were lost in the headlights, but those of us who have recognized and detested the Uniparty for years going back many years, were praying, begging for a President from outside the DC Cesspool.

  5. The bias media is accusing Trump of willfully withholding funds from Obamacare in order to “sabotage” the program. The won’t explain where the subsidy money came from in the first place or the federal court that ruled the executive branch can’t just take money from one program and put it into another at is whim. Congress controls the purse strings, not the President.

  6. Will 11/4/2017 be Lil Bath-house Barry’s “Day of Revenge,” or his Waterloo? Everyone knows that he is the one pulling the strings as the ultimate community organizer-in-chief. He and his minions will try and rise up to overthrow the gubmint or some such fluff. My question is are YOU ready? This sh!t cannot stand.

  7. G.W. Long — I doubt Obama has the brains or organization skills for that. He has people behind him.

    If he was as smart as the Democrats always claimed, he would have been waving his college transcripts in our faces every day.

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