Trump Doctrine 2.0: Former president lays out plan to reverse Biden agenda – IOTW Report

Trump Doctrine 2.0: Former president lays out plan to reverse Biden agenda

Just The News: Former President Donald Trump is laying out a 2.0 vision on how he would make America great again, again, offering Just the News his plan for defeating Joe Biden and the Democrats and reversing soaring inflation and gas prices, high crime, surging illegal immigration and global instability.

In a wide-ranging interview aired Tuesday night on the Just the News television show on Real America’s Voice, the nation’s 45th president said his plan begins with recapturing GOP control of at least one chamber of Congress in November and creating a bulwark to stop the Biden agenda.

“When I watch to see what’s happening, it’s very, very sad. I mean, our country is being destroyed by these people,” Trump said. “The border is a disaster. We no longer respected. They don’t respect our leader at all. They don’t respect Biden at all.

“It’s so sad to see what’s happened to our great USA. But we can come back. I think these midterms are vital, just vital,” he said.

“We don’t have a free press. We really don’t have free speech anymore. It’s very bad, very dangerous. These elections are going to be absolutely critical for this country,” he added.

Trump said he is growing more confident that Republicans can take back the House in the fall elections, but he considers the GOP’s chances in the Senate tougher under Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. more
Interview at link.

6 Comments on Trump Doctrine 2.0: Former president lays out plan to reverse Biden agenda

  1. REVERSE IT…or ROLL IT BACK…or some slogan like that will rally and energize American voters to toss Biden out on his arse. Going forward into a new Trump era is going to appeal to a lot of people.

    People are concerned like never before (except for the Great Depression) about their very survival and their kids education and well-being.

    Biden will pay heavily for what he has done and what no politician should ever do. The fool has enraged the majority of the American people who have targeted him as the main culprit to blame for everything that’s gone wrong.

    Only a very crooked election will save Biden.

  2. I’ll listen to the whole interview later but wrt reversing the Biden agenda, that is the easy part, anyone here could do that. No, the difficult part, maybe impossible part, is dealing with the fallout, rebuilding anything of substance even remotely resembling our great nation of the past from the charred burned-out ruble that will exist in 2024.

    The country will be unrecognizable and dare I say, irreparable. The national debt will be $40 trillion, less than half the adults will be paying any federal income taxes, 10 million brand new illegal aliens that will overwhelm all social programs, even dumber kids entering the workforce unequipped and unmotivated, a fossil fuel industry on life support or already expired, an America pretty much isolated from the world because our global partners can’t trust us, our own currency supplanted on the world stage by the Yuan, and a lazier less moral and certainly less patriotic populace who can’t think or provide for themselves.

    And all this assumes that our country has not yet been reduced to radioactive glass as a result of Biden picking a war with a nuclear power.

  3. If Trump or ANY Republican gets elected in 2024, when the problems are nearly insurmountable, then they will get the blame for not fixing it and the Democrats will skate. These problems will take DECADES to repair, if at all.

    The US populace is so stupid and have such short memories, that they will willingly vote for more bread and circuses than do the unglamorous dirty work for cleaning up rubble. Not just the debris in our cities, etc. but clean up the lawless human debris in our governments – at all levels.

    The plus side: When we are at rock bottom, maybe the illegal human caravans will stop coming.

  4. To the naysayers who believe we’re too far gone:

    Just look back to the year before POTUS Trump took office. We’d been on the highway to Hell under Soetoro, too. Starting with the feds bailout of the banking industry in 07/08, the housing industry in the toilet, illegals charging and erasing our borders, not to mention the hundreds of dead and maimed Americans from his policies on ME migrants (and chain migration). Seven major islamist attacks in seven years under his regime.

    In foreign affairs: NoKo was firing missile over Japan and threatening the U.S. west coast with them. Soetoro told POTUS-elect Trump that it was the greatest threat to nat’l security and that, basically, there wasn’t a darn thing we could do about it — what with China’s sponsorship and all. Turned out the whole matter was solved with one of Trump’s “mean tweets”. He didn’t even wait to convene the Joint Chiefs! LOL!

    China was making and selling EVERYTHING Americans buy, also under Soetoro. Mexican were sending every extra, un-taxed dime they made in America back to their homeland families. Healthy, working age blacks were aced out of opportunities for living wage jobs and start-up incentives. No one was incentivized to get off welfare. There were so many jobs under Trump, there weren’t enough people to fill them and if you weren’t working, it was obvious to everyone that you didn’t want to get off the dole, because there was no excuse anymore.

    If John McCain hadn’t risen from his death bed to nix the ACA (ObamaCare), we’d have been rid of it. As it is, no one paid a $700./year penalty for not signing up for it in 2017. From a personal standpoint, that’s at least $2,800. every one of us avoided under POTUS Trump and the EO for it wasn’t cancelled by Biden (yet).

    Take a look when you’ve got a chance to compare ALL the seriously bad conditions in place under Soetoro and how quickly those things were managed under POTUS Trump.

    The biggest challenge IMHO is still the Administrative Class in D.C. and at all levels of gov’t. We have what amounts to an un-fireable bureaucracy that doesn’t do its jobs, has no incentive to function and spends its time throwing sand in the gearworks of our constitutional republic. We need a congress lead by a president which will focus on how to reverse and get rid of it. Until then this untouchable, pernicious, noxious, 4th branch of gov’t runs things, and we all know who is behind their deeds. It’s not us.

    Although Trump does not explicate this fact, he must be very aware of it and how it undermined his first term. I cannot but believe he has a strategy for that too.


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