Trump DoJ to ‘Sanctuary’ Officials: We’re Coming For You – IOTW Report

Trump DoJ to ‘Sanctuary’ Officials: We’re Coming For You

Trump DOJ declares war on sanctuary cities—compliance or consequences.
Robert Gouveia with the details.

11 Comments on Trump DoJ to ‘Sanctuary’ Officials: We’re Coming For You

  1. The Demwit sanctuary mayor of my city, who supported KamalMao’s campaign said on camera a couple of days ago he would not comply, but wouldn’t interfere with ICE. LOL! The idiot is now on notice by the Trump Administration DOJ he has to comply or be procecuted. Love it!

  2. Arrest every “Sanctuary” leader. Just on principle, it is treason.
    Offering aid and comfort to enemies. Mexican cartels are now labeled as Terror organization.
    Emergency already declared. Use the Patriot act on [THEM].
    Definitely deploy those IRS agents to the border. Might cut that number some while we are securing the country.

  3. Why the hell are they not already been charged with aiding and abetting murder, rape… on down the line all the way to littering? And that goes for their underlings who claim they “were just following orders” as well.


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