Trump Embraced by Cops, Firemen, and Sports Fans as ‘F Biden’ Sweeps the Nation – IOTW Report

Trump Embraced by Cops, Firemen, and Sports Fans as ‘F Biden’ Sweeps the Nation


Election audits are gaining ground in swing states, Biden’s popularity is plummeting, “F Biden” is trending on Twitter, and Trump is lauded and applauded everywhere he goes. Take the hint, Joe: No one wants you around.

On his ride to visit  Shanksville, Penn., as part of the 20th anniversary of 9/11, poor Joe passed a sign that said, “F— Joe Biden.” He then used that to make the Sept. 11 memorial all about his battered ego.

Meanwhile, at the Holyfield-Belfort bout, boxing fans go crazy for a tanned and relaxed President Trump. more

20 Comments on Trump Embraced by Cops, Firemen, and Sports Fans as ‘F Biden’ Sweeps the Nation

  1. LOL! There’s no way for the media to squelch the loud voices of people who can’t stand Sleepy Joe. They want him gone. I think it will be sooner than later. When your own voters can’t stand you, you gotta go!

    How can you silence a stadium filled with hate against a pResident in the WH. You can’t, it has stuck.

  2. “Trump Embraced by Cops, Firemen, and Sports Fans…”

    Sure would like to see .mil in on this, I know they have rules, but maybe veterans could get a little louder and let us know what their young ‘uns are thinking as well…

  3. Goldenfoxx
    SEPTEMBER 13, 2021 AT 11:23 AM

    “When your own voters can’t stand you, you gotta go!”

    I’m his own voter. He stays.

    And four more years. If he lives that long.

    …you’ll see…

  4. I love this early, powerful example of LEO fondness for him, seems like there was a LOT more, but this one stands out…

    …given who’s stolen control now and what THEY are doing to LEO, it’s almost surprising that ACTIVE officers don’t pledge their badge, AND their guns, to his being restored to his rightful office, it would be a MUCH different ballgame if they DID…

  5. TRF

    This American has been “embracing” Don for 6 years!

    If we can get GWB and his DOMINION machines out of AZ and GA it will be President on I embrace in 2025!
    Thats a VERY BIG IF! AZ ANDGa are run by Bush “Republicans”!


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