Trump ending first term with ultimate lib-triggering civil servant executive order, 4 years in the making – IOTW Report

Trump ending first term with ultimate lib-triggering civil servant executive order, 4 years in the making

BPR: President Donald Trump just made it easier to weed out certain unelected federal employees working in policy-related jobs by cutting back some of their workplace protections.

The president issued an executive order that was the product of nearly four years of effort, making it easier to hire – and fire – federal bureaucrats in a move meant to “increase accountability for Federal employees who make substantive contributions to executive branch policy.” The order, issued earlier this week, gives federal agencies “more flexibility” in holding employees accountable but is being denounced by critics who fear it is politicizing civil servants. more here

19 Comments on Trump ending first term with ultimate lib-triggering civil servant executive order, 4 years in the making

  1. “Trump’s order will allow federal agencies to remove “poor performers” from roles in an easier process …”

    Millions of affirmative action “quota hires” hardest hit.

  2. Who fear it is politicizing civil servants? How about calling it the Lt. Colonel Vindman, Fauci, Strock, Page, Comey executive order. (I could add lots more names.)

  3. I love it – he’s relentless. The left has NEVER been challenged by a republican who punches back, repeatedly, over and over. They had no idea what/who they were up against!

    Trump 2020

  4. …I don’t know who the Dems think is gonna be on their side here. The unions will, but they were anyway, so no gain.

    And every one who’s ever filed an income tax form or dealt with Social Security or any of the alphabet bureaucrats will have the same amount of sympathy and empathy for THEM that THEY’VE given those citizens.

    None whatsoever.

    Shove it, assholes, now let’s see if you can live in the REAL world with the same peasants you’ve lorded over for so long…

  5. Politicize civil service? You mean the 99.9% Demonrat civil service?

    Start with the GSA that gave all PDJTs transition records to the Mulehead witch hunt without a supeona but would not give the very same records to PDJTs lawyers.

    More swamp drained. Now move 80% of the federal agencies out of DC and you will make real progress.

    LA, Chicago, NY, DC have run the country for 100 years now. The first three are self destructing and PDJT can kill the last one with four more years.

    I see the Lord God Almighty’s hand in thwarting Lucifer yet again this November.

    PDJT has done done much already, imagine 4 more years of judges and swamp draining.

    Lucifers liberal poison will eventually win but not today patriots, not today…

  6. I remember the shooting of an IRS agent in Wyoming. His son killed him. The boy shot him as he was getting out of his truck in the garage. It was a small town in Wyoming. He was probably the town bully. The older boy shot him, in order to protect his little sister. He sat down and waited calmly for the police to come. You wonder sometimes how awful these people must be at home, if they are this awful at work.


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