Trump-endorsed challenger Harriet Hageman seeks to paint Liz Cheney as swamp creature, Wyoming carpetbagger – IOTW Report

Trump-endorsed challenger Harriet Hageman seeks to paint Liz Cheney as swamp creature, Wyoming carpetbagger

Just The News: The Republican challenger hoping to forcibly retire Rep. Liz Cheney from Congress has a pointed message for Wyoming voters: Their current congresswoman is more concerned about Virginia’s military bases than her home state’s energy and natural resources.

In an interview with Just the News this month, Hageman relentlessly criticized Cheney for dropping this year from the House Natural Resources Committee, where she had served since 2017, to focus exclusively on her House Armed Services Committee assignment and the Jan. 6 commission investigation.

The messaging is unmistakable: Cheney is essentially a Wyoming carpetbagger more aligned with the interests of Virginia, where she lives in the Washington suburbs when Congress is in session. more here

8 Comments on Trump-endorsed challenger Harriet Hageman seeks to paint Liz Cheney as swamp creature, Wyoming carpetbagger

  1. “… where she had served …” why do we continue using that misleading euphemism?
    Politicians don’t “serve” – they are “served” by the taxpayers.
    Watch them in their native habitat (as I did for 36 years) – the Swamp of DC – and you’ll find a bunch of preening, self-righteous, deceitful, grasping, vain, prickly, condescending demi-gods.
    Greedy, grifting, stealing, corrupt, thieving, embezzling, lying maggots serve no one but themselves (with the possible exceptions of their cronies and bankrollers – Unions, Wall Street, Academia, Big Pharma, Big Agriculture, &c.).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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