Trump: ‘Era of Economic Surrender Has Come to an End’ – IOTW Report

Trump: ‘Era of Economic Surrender Has Come to an End’


President tells American workers there is ‘a builder in the White House’ who will fight for them.

President Donald Trump promised to give American workers “the level playing field you deserve” when he spoke Tuesday at the North American Building Trades Unions (NABTU) legislative conference.

NABTU, which represents organized construction workers across the country, welcomed Trump as a speaker at its conference to highlight the work he’d already done as president and reiterate the promises he made to American workers throughout his presidential campaign. Noting that he has worked alongside the construction trades for decades, the president promised to be the builder the United States needs in order to boost its own economy and regain a healthy competitiveness.  read more

3 Comments on Trump: ‘Era of Economic Surrender Has Come to an End’

  1. Careful. I worked with over 7 different unions in my lifetime to include the AFGE (government union). Their support should be viewed with extreme caution, for Unions are not exactly an example of a free market, innovative organizations.

    I think Trump knows this, and hopefully is is redefining the groups considered “Useful Idiots”.

  2. The other half of the equation is doing what he promised and dealing with China. The steel they’ve dumped in the US has cost hundreds of thousands of US jobs, they are currency manipulators and they steal and extort our technology. He also promised to deal with their military islands.

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