Trump expected to nominate Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court – IOTW Report

Trump expected to nominate Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court

Just The News:

President Trump is expected to select Amy Coney Barrett to fill the Supreme Court seat left vacant by Justice Ruth Ginsburg, sources told Just the News on Friday evening. 

The president is scheduled to make his official announcement Saturday from the White House.

Barrett, a judge on the Chicago-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, emerged as a frontrunner soon after the announcement last week that Ginsburg has died from cancer.

The president has waited for Ginsburg’s official memorial services to conclude this week in the nation’s capital before making an announcement. But the official naming of Barrett, 48, would begin a fast-paced, politically-charged Senate confirmation process just week away from the Nov. 3 presidential elections. more

30 Comments on Trump expected to nominate Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court

  1. My area of expertise is NOT judicial nominees and their qualifications. I just hope Trump picks a candidate that sails through the confirmation process and then doesn’t become the female version of John Roberts. Roberts has to be blackmailed for him to turn into such a lib. The Lolita Express carries a hell of a price.

  2. I’m thinking President Trump wants to shove this nomination in front of the Dementiacrats and their captive MSDM in order to provoke them. What can they do, pull out all the stops and get really nasty and obnoxious like they did with Justice Brett Kavanaugh? Will Kalamity be more restrained, or will she go bat shit crazy like a Jamindian Mau Mau?

  3. I’m not buying in to the “she’s the female John Roberts” pushback. I think she’s pretty solid for us. I trust Trump.

    Nothing’s perfect. We need to close the deal ASAP. Wish Ginsburg would have died a bit sooner. 2020 sucks!

  4. Notice how they started making excuses for Diane Feinstein this week — she’s getting tired and old, etc. Well, many of you may have read in the past 24 hours that her old man is in the hot seat for his part as a chancellor of CA university for his role in the admissions scandal. He doesn’t think he did anything wrong; it’s been a practice of his for along time — using his clout to get kids of cronies admitted despite their poor showing in regular admissions.

  5. “Barrett went to law school at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana, and graduated summa cum laude in 1997. She returned to Notre Dame in 2002 to teach federal courts, constitutional law and statutory interpretation, and was named a professor of law in 2010, according to SCOTUSblog.

    She would go on to become the Diane and M.O Research Chair of Law and received a “distinguished professor of the year” award in 2010 and 2016. During her time at Notre Dame, Barrett joined the conservative legal group, the Federalist Society, and signed a statement of protest against former President Barack Obama’s administration for forcing employers to provide birth control against their religious beliefs.”

  6. Supernightshade SEPTEMBER 25, 2020 AT 10:29 PM
    …she wants to recuse herself from any religious issues and supported illegal corona lock downs.

    Not a good choice.

    What she says now and does later might be two different things. Remembering testimony from other confirmation hearings and then what they did after…

    Enlighten me, when is the last time one of the supremes recused themselves?

  7. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ SEPTEMBER 25, 2020 AT 11:32 PM

    Thank You. I guess I should have googled it.

    I’m not the court scholar, but I seem to also remember…

    Somebody saying the 2nd Amendment was settled law and then voting against it twice.

    Give em a dose of their own BS

  8. Holy crap!

    U.S. Supreme Court justices recused themselves 180 times during the term that ended in June, according to the transparency group Fix the Court.

    Most of the recusals—176—were at the certiorari stage, according to a Fix the Court press release. The vast majority of the recusals—117—were because of “previous work” by Justice Elena Kagan (she was solicitor general) and Justice Sonia Sotomayor (she was a federal appeals court judge).

    Thirty-three of the recusals were due to stock ownership in companies held by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justices Stephen G. Breyer and Samuel Al Alito Jr., the press release says. Two of those recusals, in decided cases, didn’t affect the outcome. The other 31 recusals were in cert-stage cases.

    The findings highlight “how the breadth of stock ownership by these three justices may be affecting the docket,” according to Fix the Court. “It is possible that any number of the 31 petitions with stock-based conflicts were missing a key fourth vote at the cert. stage, leaving decisions on issues ranging from patents to false claims to class actions in the hands of lower court judges.”

    Fifteen recusals related to family ties of Justice Stephen G. Breyer, whose brother is a federal judge, and Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., whose sister is a partner at K&L Gates.

  9. Kavanaugh is Catholic, so is Roberts, Alito, Thomas & Sotomayor & Gorsuch was raise Catholic, but is now Episcopalian

    but Barrett is too extreme … just sayin’

    (btw, I am not Catholic)

  10. …here’s Amy arguing for recusal if it’s anything her faith speaks to, which SHOULD be EVERYTHING…

    “In 1998, soon after finishing law school, Barrett co-authored an article titled “Catholic Judges in Capital Cases,” which ultimately concluded, “that Catholic judges (if they are faithful to the teaching of their church) are morally precluded from enforcing the death penalty.”

    That same article determined that for Catholic judges who were morally incapable of enforcing capital punishment, “the proper response is to recuse oneself.”

    The article includes a footnote that points to other legal scholarship making a similar argument about recusal in abortion cases.”

    …I’m not sure why Christians are expected to lay down their faith at vote time in a Nation that was FOUNDED by Christians who wrote their faith into its founding documents.

    No one expects Sotomayor to recuse from cases involving Hispsnic issues, or Kagan to recuse from lesbian issues.

    Why, then, should a Catholic recuse from murdering baby issues?

    You can’t even make a “Woman’s Rights” argument, since, well, she DOES have a uteres…

    …no,if her stance remains that she can either be a Christian or a Judge, but not BOTH, the President simply needs to look harder.

    …after all, no one knows what bad things can happen when someone recuses themselves from their lawful duty better than HIM,nicht wahr?


  11. JOE

    Roberts was a far left lib 20 years ago! He still is.
    I researched his bench rulings 15 years ago. RINOS lied when they said this progressive was not a far left judge!
    John was born a liberal and will die a liberal.

    I did not keep my research to myself. But GWB got him Chief anyway.


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