Trump Exposes Paul Ryan and Romney Republicans – IOTW Report

Trump Exposes Paul Ryan and Romney Republicans

American Thinker:

One of the greatest public services President Donald Trump has done for the nation is forcing institutions and people to reveal their true character.

While this has been the most valuable when it comes to the media, it has also been valuable when it comes to unmasking globalist Republicans.

This was again on display this week, most notably in the revelation that Paul Ryan was inciting Fox News from his position on the board of Fox Corporation to “decisively break” with President Trump.  Ryan has apparently graduated from providing the worst advice to the president as the speaker of the House to providing the worst advice to Fox News.

Were Fox to follow this advice, the network would have even fewer viewers than CNN, which can at least count on hapless airport captives to boost its numbers.  I find it hard to believe that any of Fox’s viewers are not to the right of Shepard Smith and Chris Wallace.  If Fox management thinks it can somehow compete for liberal viewers, it is delusional. read more

28 Comments on Trump Exposes Paul Ryan and Romney Republicans

  1. Paul Ryan should be frog-marched out of Washingon with a long line of other scumbags, to a field full of gallows and strung up – after they’ve been tarred and feathered.

  2. the Rove/Bush syndicate (all 8 Bushes (2 no longer here) + Karl) told us 5×5 (loud + clear) Oct ’16 VOTE CLINTON. Many call then “Republicans”. If Rove is a “R” then is makes good sense to call his “fellow travelers: Ryan + Romney “R”!

    I have, and still do, called ’em Democrats dressed like Republicans.

    Language is fluid. the Folk Ronny called “Neo Commies”40 years ago; are today “Neocons”!

  3. Never forget…–The-shirtless-picture-proves-Romneys-running-mate-really-IS-action-man.html

    This blatant faggery was coordinated and repeatedly pumped across leftist media. Then it was the faux butch beard that was SOOOO HOT, while the beard on Cruz, who is much more of a true conservative and was a clear improvement to his looks, was ridiculed.

    I cannot wait for this world to burn and take all lying hypocrites with it. Paul Ryan will be right next to Pelosi and the Kennedys in the Lake of Fire.

  4. Surely FOX has a savvy CFO who can peruse Ryan’s track record of hits and misses in Congress.

    I believe, like any corporation, the objective is bottomline over butthurt.

  5. “I believe, like any corporation, the objective is bottomline over butthurt.”

    But how long has it taken MSNBC, ESPN, and all the rest to learn that lesson? Most of them are perennial losers and still haven’t figured it out.

  6. Mr. “That’s the smart way to do it” Ryan fooled voters for years that he was someone other than he truly was. Then when his pockets were flush with cash he dropped the mask and revealed his nature.
    I wonder if he has any idea how despised he is by the betrayal of his voters or is he too busy counting money to notice.

  7. Both in politics for years. Will die with no legacy other than ineptitude. Scenario Trump gets impeached Pence takes over. Trump wins presidency 2020 and 2024. FU DEMS!

  8. Sorry, kids, but politics is a sort of “shark-infested” cesspool of opportunists vying with each other for the biggest, cleanest (that is: get away free) theft.
    Similarly to religion, there are very few (even in the clergy) who actually believe what they profess.
    Obola went into the Presidency with about $250,000 in assets and emerged with about $40 Million. Sandy O’Cortez has already landed her first $10 Million.
    If you have no scruples, the sky’s the limit. The Clintons and the Gores have stolen upwards of $1 Billion (combined). Nancy Pelosi’s worth increased by some 400% since taking the Speakership.
    President Trump is (probably) the first guy in 150 years who lost money by going into politics.
    Ryan, Romney, and a host of others can honestly claim “We’re Only In It For The Money” – and couldn’t give a shit about Republicans, the Constitution, principles, honesty, integrity, or any of that other “stuff.” They believe in neither God nor Sin, so whatever they do is justified (in their calculus) by the size of their corrupt holdings.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Tim nails it!
    These people are fighting tooth and nail to stay in office not because of any sense of patriotism but because it’s an easy path to riches.
    And it’s also why Trump poses such a dire threat to them.

  10. O.A.N. – One America News!

    That is until they hire a bunch of leftists to appear to be “Fair and Balanced” and they be taken over by them, corrupt their network, and infuriate everybody until they jump ship to more fertile ground.

  11. I think the question goes to the heart of a bigger problem.

    What comes after Trump?

    The Republican Party has revealed themselves to be at best useless and at worst collaborators.

    So you can’t just go back to them when Trump is gone. So what’s next?

  12. Cliche,

    They’re doing three things:

    1. Waiting Trump out.

    2. In the meantime, doing as little as they can to cooperate with Trump while covering their asses with their own constituents. There’s nothing they’ve cooperated with that can’t be undone, except the judges.

    3. Then, when he’s gone, they’ll do everything they can to (a) undo his legacy and (b) ensure NO ONE remotely like him EVER ascends to the Presidency. They corrupted and destroyed the Tea Party so they’ve got this game down.

    I’m not saying they’ll succeed…Trump kinda blindsided them, it could happen again…maybe…but the Uniparty will have it’s game sharpened by 2024 to prevent it. You can bet on that.

    When he’s gone, ALL the masks come off as their revenge on us for inflicting Trump on them begins in earnest. And if Trump, somehow, loses in 2020, it starts four years earlier.

    Either way, brace for impact. At that point, there will be no doubt in anyone’s mind that the U.S. as we’ve known it is well and truly history and we won’t get it back. Not without the Tree option.

  13. grool, well said
    Indictments must come soon. The more they are delayed, the more blood will flow when Trump is gone.
    The only solace is the crooks can’t go back to where they were because the country is broke. If the rest of the world demands solvency, will our soldiers obey the corruptocrats, or ???

    It amazes me how much is going on under the noses of the 80% of Americans who are oblivious. If we don’t head back on the right path, the world will become unrecognizable.

  14. grool: But that is precisely what I’m saying. The mask is already off.

    You have the deep state, institutional Uniparty against no succession plan for the one-off.

    Trump doesn’t trust anyone outside of his family to put in charge of a legacy. Pence is just there to placate Uniparty Republicans and convince them that he tempers Trump from driving into telephone poles.

    If the Thirsty Tree is here in 13 months, that’s kind of a big deal. It was a similar scenario in 2004. The media was sure anyone could beat Bush but his lead on Kerry was greater than against Gore. All of today’s candidates are worse than Clinton 2016 including Clinton 2020. The RINOs wanting to primary Trump don’t want to beat him, they want him assassinated. Excuse me, sentenced to death for “treason” for the crime of asking someone to look into crime and corruption.

    I’m a planner so I worry when there’s no Plan B. In this instance, there’s no Plan A.

    And to anon’s comments about indictments, today is The Swamp when there have been zero indictments. Just how do you think they’ll respond when there are a few.

  15. Anon,

    Cliche hit on it with his question about the Repbulicans. They, as a party, know we’re now onto them and that a day of reckoning is coming one way or the other. My money is that they continue to lie as long as they can while shifting further left, diminishing even further the narrow line between R and D.

    What we WON’T see happen is the Rs shift soundly back to the right. amd to conservatism.

    That’s not where the graft is. That’s not where absolute power is. They’ve now tasted both and won’t give it up.

    Some can call me a pessimist but I prefer “realist.”

  16. Cliche,

    “I’m a planner so I worry when there’s no Plan B. In this instance, there’s no Plan A.”

    Agreed, there isn’t one. Trump, however long he’s in office, is the eye of the hurricane; a deceptive moment of calm. Being new to Florida, I’m told that the winds on the back end of a hurricane are often worse than the winds that hit first, once the eye passes. I suspect that’ll be true here and I think you do too. The winds were mostly all from the Left. We’ll be getting them from the “Right,” too.

    Activism means little now and will mean less as time goes on. We’re now awake, but so is the Swamp. It now has a reason to truly despise and target us instead of just lying and milking us as it used to.

    The Swamp Uniparty will never let us repeat Trump if it has any say about it, which it does.

    Wait and prepare is all we can do.

  17. I hear that Ryan is on “The Board” at FOX news? Expect more anti Trump shit in the future from Cavuto, Smith, Brazille,
    Williams and more.
    Watch the way questions are posed. Mark Levin just jacked up Ed Henry this morning for a question that seemed to come from Shifty Shiff’s parody
    This whole impeachment sham is just that, a sham. Disgusting!

  18. The hard left swing by BHO and comrades woke America up to a great degree. I think the Trump effect is bigger than Trump and many people may not stand for anymore of crap. The left have 95% of the main stream media but it won’t sell so easy now.
    They may burn the house down trying to get Trump, but I think they will get blamed for it. They need to hurt the country to try to win. Screw the little people is their way of life.


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