WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump has fired FBI Director James Comey.

In a statement, Trump says Comey’s firing “will mark a new beginning” for the FBI. The White House says the search for a new FBI director will begin immediately.


  1. My lefty friends will say it’s because Comey was closing in on the Russian connection and Trump had to get him outta there post haste! The meltdowns on Facebook should be epic for the next few days.

  2. So funny when Comey said he went public because Loretta Lynch would inflict “grievous damage to the American people’s confidence in the justice system.” The he, himself, went and left a slimy, wet, stinking skidmark on the Justice Department’s underwear.

  3. Trump did great. He gave Comey plenty of time for his pee pee gate investigation. All it produced was innuendo. Recently, a number of officials have finally coughed up the fact there is nothing to investigate. Comey is some piece of ….work, I’ll say that. Despicable, arrogant beyond arrogance. NOW, The REAL investigation can begin.

  4. Comey is a politician, not a law enforcement administrator. I have been amazed how long he has kept this job after Trump was sworn in.

    Don’t know where he’ll source a replacement. I do know from family ties the FBI has suffered from a lack of leadership and direction at the top for far too long.

    I honestly believe that organization CAN do good and valuable work. They have legions of guys that want to. They have less today than they did five years ago.

    These people need to be directed and led by someone immune to the vagaries of the political winds.

    When Comey excused Clinton the Cunt with that out of the blue “lack of intent” bullshit that flies in the face of codified, uncomplicated law regarding the handling and safe guarding classified information, he identified himself as unfit for the position. That issue was a slam dunk legally, and we found out he was unwilling to enforce the rule of law for political favor. Or fear for his life. I don’t care which, I expect more.

  5. From Moe Tom: “My pick would be Rudy Giulliani (age 72), or Trey Gowdy (age 52).”

    Not Gowdy. He talks big shit and NEVER delivers. He’s like a pimp telling you how good the blowjob from one of his girls is going to be and he has no whores. He’s doing just fine at grandstanding at congressional investigations and hearings, getting himself on TV doing it, and NEVER succeeding at getting criminal charges filed.

    I believe the folks in Texas refer to this, dismissively, as “all hat, no cattle.”

  6. But as Lowell said I am sure there are many solid men within the Bureau who have been grinding their teeth under Obama, Lynch, and company. Loyalty to the President is not the test here. It is loyalty to the Constitution and to US The People.


    I’ll be pleased with whomever Trump appoints. Criteria:
    Total Adherence to the Constitution and Law, Non-partisan, Uncompromised Honor and Integrity, Knowledge and Experience conducting and leading Investigations and Prosecutions.

  8. Illustr8r. You called it bro. Schmucky Schumer is on FOX right now explaining the “investigation” of the Russian/Trump connection.
    He finds the firing of Comey “very troubling.” Well Schmuck, GFY!

  9. It’s a slap in the face to Americans that these pieces of shit who thwart the Law and the Justice they are entrusted with as stewards, get to keep their jobs as long as they do. If I shared so much as a customer’s phone number without their permission, I’d be walked out the door. Please, fire a whole bunch more.

  10. Fired. A nice appetizer.
    For the main course indict him for obstruction, conspiracy, malfeasance and violation of public trust.

    And for dessert- PROSECUTE CANKLES!

  11. This is pure Trump genius. He waits until Crapper and that crazy bitch testify to congress that there is nothing tying Trunp to Russia and then he dumps Comey while he is addressing an FBI meeting in LA and the TV screen behind him displays the news.

  12. This is gonna be rich, Snidely Comey, the most vilified of O’Baja’s villains, tied Poor Hill to the e-mail tracks with cheap cotton thread. The guy who supposedly cost Poor Hill the election, has been fired by Duddly DoTrump.
    What is going to happen next ? Where is the criticism leg the left want to stand on going to come from? Progs and Schmuckles will attack, but how?
    Tune in next week, same time, same station.

  13. OK you have Rudy 72 and Trey 52…how about we split the difference? Could you imagine how the leftist scum (from both parties) would be grabbing their collective asses if he were to put a Law Enforcement Firebrand like Jeanine Pirro in that job?

  14. @Efrim — Golly, I don’t know, the cross-dressing part might be quite a bit of fun and it would sure confuse the progtards. 🙂 I’m thinking of something along the lines of Flip Wilson’s “Ernestine.” LOL

  15. Doc, Pirro? No phucking way. But I’d like to see her on the Supreme Court. I learned a long time ago that you don’t have to be a good carpenter to be a good foreman carpenter. A good foreman will have material, tools, equipment on the job when it starts. He will not have good carpenters sitting around, scratching their arses, waiting for supplies. He may not be able to hang a door properly, but the door is there for the good carpenter to hang it properly. Do I make any sense? Let me know.

  16. I hope Prez Trump picks either Sheriff David Clarke or Sheriff Joe Arpaio as the new FBI Director.


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