Trump Fires Signal Flare: Winter is Coming – “The Big Ugly” – IOTW Report

Trump Fires Signal Flare: Winter is Coming – “The Big Ugly”

Conservative Treehouse: Everything is proceeding according to a natural and predictable path.  Mr. Scaramucci is now in charge of White House messaging, the focus can now look toward the Capitol and go on offense; the “Big Ugly” is very clearly on the horizon.


Anxious Trump voters have been understandably frustrated by the lack of speed with which President Trump is able to force the MAGA agenda onto an unwilling DC political apparatus.  However, if you step back and look at the scope of the challenge, the situation is entirely understandable.

Donald Trump was a 100% pure political outsider, a citizen politician.  There was never any underlying organizational apparatus to support victory.  There was Dan, Hope, Michael and Corey; later Paul then Kellyanne and Steve. Everything else needed to be constructed from scratch and even the party apparatus didn’t support candidate Trump.

On November 9th 2016 President-elect Trump did not wake up with a staff of 50 political career employees sitting at Trump desks with Rolodexes filled with a network of affiliate political allies, personnel and associates to call upon to create the Trump administration.  Consequently President Trump needed to import the entire administrative personnel architecture to support the move to the White House.


President-elect Trump approached that challenge by hiring the Chairman of the RNC, Reince Priebus to fill out the hundreds of empty chairs.  Priebus brought a staff mostly from the RNC and his own network of contacts. Many of those people were not self-described deplorables, or MAGA-minded; hence, the leaking etc.

The Heritage Foundation, and a few other late-coming allied political groups were brought on to provide some more legislative-minded bodies to help turn the Trump populist and pragmatic campaign platform into actionable policy and legislation.  There simply wasn’t a decades old MAGA think tank as a resource.   Again, sub-contracting needed.  read more

9 Comments on Trump Fires Signal Flare: Winter is Coming – “The Big Ugly”

  1. He could bring in hard Alt-Right people. No more leaks. Stuff would get done. The media would go completely insane. Chuck Schumer would probably have a stroke [fingers crossed].

    No prisoners. If the Republicucks in Congress won’t support Trump, Trump should publicly suggest that people vote against them in the midterms.

    Appoint Flynn as Ambassador to Russia. Normalize relations with Iran and Syria.

    It would be the most entertaining thing that has been on television in at least two decades.

  2. I’ll give TRUMP 8 years no problem.

    It’s better to have a do-nothing Republican Congress for 8 years too. At least the gov’t does NOTHING which is better than the mischief-making they usually do.

  3. At least trump is a learn by doing president. No fear! The others have been doing for decades and still can figure it out. What’s the problem with them?

  4. President Trump needs to tell congress he will not sign any health plan that exempts congress and other federal employees. Let’s see how fast they agree on a plan in which they had to participate.

  5. We need more like Trump, and there are many available. Retirees can afford to anger the (D)irtbags, and most of them are right in tune with Trump after a life of watching govt malfeasance.

    I think mandatory public financing – at least for the chief executive- would favor such retirees. Then campaign finance law could be much more enforceable – give money to a candidate, and both are eligible for jail.

    The (D)irtbag and (R) establishments would still have a big advantage getting enough nominating signatures, and the (D)irtbags would still nominate crazy people. But: at least elections would feature more real people. They would tend to be: (R)s -famous people with a stellar reputation and great accomplishments outside of government. (D)s – crazy people who would split the vote.

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