LATimes- Trump has flipped the 9th Circuit — and some new judges are causing a ‘shock wave’.
When President Trump ticks off his accomplishments since taking office, he frequently mentions his aggressive makeover of a key sector of the federal judiciary — the circuit courts of appeal, where he has appointed 51 judges to lifetime jobs in three years.
In few places has the effect been felt more powerfully than in the sprawling 9th Circuit, which covers California and eight other states. Because of Trump’s success in filling vacancies, the San Francisco-based circuit, long dominated by Democratic appointees, has suddenly shifted to the right, with an even more pronounced tilt expected in the years ahead.
Trump has now named 10 judges to the 9th Circuit — more than one-third of its active judges — compared with seven appointed by President Obama over eight years.
“Trump has effectively flipped the circuit,” said 9th Circuit Judge Milan D. Smith Jr., an appointee of President George W. Bush. more here
… and I’m not sick of it yet!
The 9th jerk-it court of schlemiles.
Sure, go ahead and whoop it up. Nobody is thinking about the pedophile transgender preschool workers and how this will affect them.
Yeah, but stay tuned. Ever notice how many Republican-appointed judges “mature” into liberals after they’ve been there a while? you know, like John Roberts. is the GREATEST
Why do I keep hearing Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus” coming from somewhere?
I was hoping California would flip…..
into the ocean
And no new gun suits. Go figure.
Anyone who supports Socialism is a puppet for the elites.
How has Socialism worked out for Venezuela, the USSR, Cuba, North Korea, or Nazi Germany?
Americans scream Norway is a Socialist utopia, but what will Norway do when the oil money runs out and Norway is overrun by Muslims?
Men in Norway are alcoholics because females marry the state instead of a man.
No one is moral in Socialist countries because there are no churches.
You must pay a bribe to do anything because everything is illegal.
No wants to start a family because what kind of life is this?
Are Americans able to understand people try to escape from prisons?
Socialism is not kind because food stamps, Obamacare, Obamaphones, and Section 8 are funded by slamming a gun against the head of taxpayers.
Can’t the free market solve problems?
Did everyone starve to death in 1776 when there were no food stamps?
Can’t voluntary charities provide welfare for the poor?
Can’t you boycott bad businesses instead of relying on regulations?
Socialism punishes hard work with taxes and regulations and rewards laziness with welfare.
Socialism is evil because no one has any responsibility. You wouldn’t kill a kid on your own, but you would if you worked for the government and you wouldn’t feel any remorse because you were just following orders.
Everything falls apart in Socialist nations because no one owns anything.
In free countries, your success is your success and you can criticize the government. In Socialist nations, your success belongs to the state and you cannot criticize the government.
Thank God Obama was such a lazy, golfing bastard – he could have been profoundly more damaging to the country had he not been.
The magic negro couldn’t golf either.