Trump, FTC Set to Unleash Economy – IOTW Report

Trump, FTC Set to Unleash Economy

CNS NEWS – Ken Blackwell.

After a stunning win in a change election, President Trump is off to a fast start implementing major change.  The President and his administration are moving aggressively to implement pro-growth policies that will boost our economy after years of a sluggish recovery.

An essential part of unleashing the economy is putting in place the right people in the agencies across this government who are prepared to enact real changes that roll back harmful regulation and limit the size and scope of government.  At a number of important agencies, the President has started to do just that.

Many have rightly cheered the appointment of Ajit Pai as the permanent chair of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) who is moving to rein in harmful regulations from the previous administration and to pursue common sense reform.

Another important agency where the President has an opportunity to bring significant change is the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) which has jurisdiction over antitrust, Intellectual Property, privacy and protection of consumers from deceptive trade practices.   He took a step in the right direction by naming current Commissioner Maureen Ohlhausen as the acting chair, but it is time to cement her leadership by naming as the permanent chair – which many leading conservatives have advocated.  MORE

3 Comments on Trump, FTC Set to Unleash Economy

  1. Note to Ministry of Propaganda (aka Mainstream Media)… new Sherriff in town! … the grown-ups are now in charge

    … & it gets better … Mnuchin just sworn in

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